What to do and react in case of a wireless aggression - aeonSolutions/AeonLabs-Safety-Health GitHub Wiki

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Last update: 08-08-2024

Wireless aggression, type electromagnetic

When the wireless aggression is electromagnetic in nature, there's the tendency to be still and not move. This reaction is one of fear and ignorance and it will cause more harm than good. It is important to react immediately and move to a different location, preferably one where the power and intensity of the radiation are much lower or absent. When starting to move, be wary of all and any part of the body, in particular muscles that are showing some sign of extreme stress or tension, and even abnormal muscular pains and fatigue. When that happens, give priority and full attention to it, while looking for a movement towards relief and lower pain intensities.

In cases where it is not possible, the victim needs to identify properly the type of radiation that is hitting him\her. It can have an "alternating current" type of behavior and radiation or it can have a "direct current" type of radiation.


If the wireless aggression is continued over time, it is mandatory never to stop moving the affected parts of the body, always looking and moving in the direction that promotes relief and lower muscle stress and fatigue.

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