Known Symptoms of Wireless Aggression - aeonSolutions/AeonLabs-Safety-Health GitHub Wiki
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Last update: 08-09-2024
The omnipresence of electrical appliances in our daily lives is a cause for concern. To date, no scientific study has succeeded in demonstrating the harmfulness of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields[1]. Because of the nature of all these wireless* aggressions happening in milliseconds, most invisible to the human eye, to this date some studies where only been able to uncover statistical correlations but fail to explain the causal link. When in doubt, the precautionary principle is applied[1].
Video 1 - How Powering with Atmospheric Electricity Works
The biological effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields on our bodies are not necessarily harmful to health.
A biological effect is often the simple expression of a spontaneous regulation of the body in response to an external stimulation: for example, the skin reddens on contact with the cold and the ear warms up in contact with the phone.
Electromagnetic fields encountered daily in the environment or at home are generally extremely low frequencies well below the threshold at which harmful effects occur (100 mA/m²).
- Static Electricity
- Extremely low frequencies (ELF)
- Low Frequencies
- Radio Frequencies
- Ionizing Radiation including corona discharges
- Electromagnetic hypersensitivity
- Thermo and Hygrometer Imbalances
- Tinnitus and Insomnias
- Neuro Sensory interference and Aggression
- Neuromuscular \ Neuromotor Interference and Aggression
How to detect on the spot
Wireless, invisible aggressions are hard to detect, simply because they happen in milliseconds and at the speed of light. On top of that, the ubiquity and availability of electronic devices means an aggressor is able to set up an attack in so many different ways that makes it even harder to detect it....
continue reading.
In the United States, this type of wireless aggression has been the subject of discussion in mass media news, movies, and TV series for decades now. The most well-known TV series are: "The X-Files" a TV series for the '90s and "Ancient Aliens" on the History channel.
In Portugal and for more than a century, this type of wireless aggression has been the subject of discussion as Mysticism, Spirituality, and Religion. The most well-known case, from 1917, more than 100 years ago, "The Fatima apparitions" and many others reported in the country and classified as spiritual events supported by local religions and fuelled by an authoritarian social environment amidst two "world" wars in Europe. I'm not going to continue as this repository's main objective is other than "social sciences", politics, and religion, I do however, strongly advise and invite the reader to read more about the context of these events during the last century, while learning about these subjects of the atomics and "quantum worlds".
When a person is unaware and even ignorant about these subjects, this type of wireless aggression invisible to the human eye, is directly associated with reactions of fear, reactions of ecstasy, and happiness. Those who suffer from it, usually seek some type of spiritual comfort and advice in a search for healing, someone able to turn OFF the source of aggression, a gadget or a device, when related to fear, illness, or disease. The opposite, someone to turn ON the source of the aggression when the victim is looking for happiness and ecstasy, many times described as "better luck in life", prosperity, abundance, and money. Yes, you read it correctly, depending on the type of aggression and duration in time, its effects vary from one extreme to the other. To learn more go to the "sensory overload section" and also to the section with a list of devices that can be misused and cause harm at a distance.
Depending on which country you live in, perception and understanding of this type of wireless aggression varies in tandem with local Mysticism, Spirituality, and Religions. This means many will react violently and in denial when presented and talked about and without any factual proof or demonstration of it.
To learn more about "how to alert the authorities" go to the section "Where to Complaint, Where & How to Report".
[1] Sciensano website:
[2] website: