Timeline Log Book of Events and History Record - aeonSolutions/AeonLabs-Safety-Health GitHub Wiki
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Last update:09-09-2024
For more than one decade I've been using Facebook, not as a "social showcase" platform but instead as a "log book", a digital database where I record in a timeline format fragments of data from my daily life, without any access restriction, for being public in its nature, without privacy, and more importantly due to its severity or harmful nature, harmful events that otherwise go noticed due to its instantaneous and short duration in time.
I have to make a pause here, to include a paragraph about misconceptions of privacy.
Keep in mind the fact a regulation or legality states and argues some type of privacy for an event and a location\place, it does not mean it is actually possible to have it as a private event. Amid all 19 billion connected devices IoT sold and functioning globally, one has to realize and understand new meanings of what privacy really is. As a good rule of thumb, if one is in a publicly accessible location, for instance, a restaurant, privacy does not mean someone can't make a recording of you, in fact, it means the opposite, to be on the safe side, assume all times it is possible for that to happen and it is, in fact, a good thing to have and that you can use when necessary. The same applies inside this global network of communications we got used to calling "The Internet". Everything that is uploaded and deposited here, has no privacy, at best it is possible to guarantee levels of access and restriction. (...)
This type of usage of the internet enables a citizen to build and to have his\her own personal repository of intraday events of his or her life to serve as many purposes as needed throughout life.
Why is this important?
There are many usability features Facebook makes available that a user hardly notices for being so intuitive and instantaneous when used. For instance, the share link option on any publication allows sharing of information in seconds with a click or tap. Adding an entry to the timeline is also made simple and fast, for instance publishing a photo a video, or a text message (comment) to a point of being obvious to "publish" in the event of harmful danger or an emergency.
In one's daily life, allows one to document and build a history of daily events as the day is happening, when based on "hard facts" it keeps away those who are looking to cause harm, abuse, and take advantage of someone. all kinds of abusive usage including financial. In 2024, it is possible to see and better understand this "real life" internet on many YouTube videos recorded by automotive mechanics and hardware electronics repair shops, just to name these 2 professions.
Not all is about harmful events and violence. Maintaining a history of real-life data events enables one to find value later, in what it is working on and for some reason discards when is doing it. When one maintains a history of real-life data events organized in a timeline format it enables one and helps immensely in finding value, particularly in cases where others already found but for some reason do not talk about it, comment, or share. In the end, it helps one to learn about work and value and how it directly relates to any physical work activity or task. A history of real-life events organized in a timeline format has another great and awesome advantage, in particular when it relates to lying, deceiving, defamation, and misconceptions about what is factually True or not. By maintaining a history of records publicly accessible to anyone and everyone such devious activities require more elaborate, time-consuming explanations making it more expensive to achieve. Still, it is possible to succeed, and when that happens it is important for the authorities and law enforcement to identify the sources of what is wrong or causing harm in the least amount of time possible, nowadays this means a citizen can enable such policing activities to happen in milliseconds to seconds every time it makes personal and even intimate data available and without any access restriction. When this happens concepts such as prohibition cease to exist to become acts of prevention on what one does not want to happen in, otherwise, a certain future.

This type of usage of the internet is so important, with so many advantages to individuals living in a society, that is, and will, redesign all its apps, websites, and online platforms to facilitate and allow any citizen to have and maintain his\her own personal repository of real-life events turned into data records, one where anyone can access and is able to "browse". When that day comes, it makes no other rational and logical sense, than to give to a stranger because it knows it is also helping him\herself while doing it....
Concepts of privacy, secrecy, and intimacy will be redefined and replaced by concepts such as collaboration, prevention, redundancy & robustness reducing even more what automation & artificial intelligence are doing to human work. (...) When that day comes, we humans will work as much as we worked (or less) when living in medieval times in the last millennium, with all the benefits in health and longevity in life this planetary library allows us to have.
In the near future, having a browsable history database will be part of a citizen ID, a censorship-resistant repository of personal data where legality is not needed.