Founders Day - TrinianGames/Sapphory GitHub Wiki

Founders Day is an annual public holiday celebrated across Sapphory on the weekend of the second Sunday of May. It marks the approximate date on which the five Founding Mothers first made Landfall at Discovery Point. (The exact date is lost to the mists of time.)

The day is usually marked by processions through the centres of each of Sapphory's major cities. The celebrations are highly festive, and the cities are well decorated for several weeks before. On the day itself, it is customary for young Sapphorian girls to march alongside the floats, as the day is considered to be about celebrating Sapphory's past, present and future. Missy and her friends took part in this every year when they were at Primary and Middle School. It is not normally the case that high school girls participate, though they are allowed to, and some continue to do so for several years after turning 18.

In Sapphory City, the parade begins at the Royal Palace, and makes its way through Mount Pleasant, Lady Gardens, Fallulah Park, the town centre, Lady Flower and finishes at the waterfront, where a large fair, with stalls, rides and sweet treats is set up. In the evening, there is a spectacular fireworks display over the bay area.

Most non-essential businesses close on Founder's Day, excepting those who can benefit from increased tourism to the city. It is common for thousands of women from Wild Sapphory to journey into the city for the Founder's Day celebrations and therefore due to the increased risk of slaver activity, security is very tight. Hotel prices become extreme over the holiday and many residents of the city make extra income by renting out their spare rooms for the weekend.

As an official state holiday, it is customary for the monarch to make an appearance at the Founder's Day celebrations, and Princess Selina has always got stuck into this role with gusto. As a little girl, she would march with the rest of the Sapphorian youth alongside the floats, (albeit with heavy security nearby,) and continued to be seen for much of the day as a young woman before her ascension to the throne. Now, as ruler, she officially opens the parade at her home at the Royal Palace, then gives an address at the waterfront in the evening. Rumour has it that she still moves among the common folk in disguise at other times of the day.