Mariana Primary School - TrinianGames/Sapphory GitHub Wiki

Mariana Primary School is one of several reception schools in Sapphory City. It is attended by girls aged 7-12. Its only significance is that it was attended by Missy before she progressed to Sapphory City Central Middle School.


The uniform of Mariana Primary School is a one-piece pink-on-white gingham dress with the hemline below the knee, and a pink ribbon, worn in the back of the girl's hair. There are no underwear rules, though panties must be worn. While this uniform is greatly loved by most of the younger girls at the school, girls in their last year often consider it too childish.


While it can be assumed that at least some of the children encountered in the game attend this school, no characters have explicitly stated that they do, as the role of children in the game is kept to a minimum due to the game's nature.

Past Pupils

Missy and most of her friends attended the school before they moved up to Sapphory City Central Middle School.