Modules - Palamecia/mint GitHub Wiki

  • codec This module provides tool to manage data types and encodings. It allow to per...
    • iconv This module provides the Codec.Iconv class which provide a codec to convert t...
    • mimetypes This module provides tools to handle data mime type and encoding. It provides...
  • container This module provides container classes to store a set of objects with differe...
    • linkedlist This module provides the Container.LinkedList class which store objects with ...
    • list This module provides the Container.List class which store objects sequentiall...
    • map This module provides the Container.Map class which store objects and provides...
    • queue This module provides the Container.Queue class which store objects and retriv...
    • redblacktree This module provides the Container.RedBlackTree class which is a low level cl...
    • set This module provides the Container.Set class which store unique objects and p...
    • stack This module provides the Container.Stack class which store objects and retriv...
  • event This module provides event driven classes and event scedulers. The core class...
    • event This module provides the Event.Event class which provides a basic event imple...
    • file This module provides the Event.File class which provides a waitable file impl...
    • pipe This module provides the Event.Pipe class which provides a one-way waitable c...
    • streamsynchronizer This module provides the Event.StreamSynchronizer class that allows to perfor...
    • timer This module provides the Event.Timer class which provides a waitable timer im...
    • watcher This module provides the Event.Watcher class which is the main class of the E...
  • exception This module provides classes to store the context of exceptions. Classes of t...
    • container This module provides classes to store exception contexts raised by the contai...
    • exception This module provides the Exception.Exception class which is a base class to c...
    • network This module provides classes to store exception contexts raised by the networ...
    • system This module provides classes to store exception contexts raised by the system...
  • mint This module provides classes and functions to extends the language abilities.
    • assembly This module provides functions to extract the assembly from a mint object.
    • commandlineparser This module provides tools to parse the script's command line arguments.
    • enum This module provides a set of functions to perform extra operations on enums.
    • function This module provides tools to extend functions capabilities.
    • garbagecollector This module provides tools to manage the garbage collector.
    • hash This module provides a set of functions to perform extra operations on hashes.
    • inttypes This module provides fixed size integer types.
    • lang This module provides functions to extend the language abilities.
    • lexicalhandler This module provides the LexicalHandler class which provides an interface to ...
    • lockguard This module provides the LockGuard class which allow to perform a scoped Syst...
    • math This module provides a set of functions to compute common mathematical operat...
    • operator This module provides functions to perform operator calls.
    • printer This module provides a set of functions to perform operations on a range of e...
    • range This module provides a set of functions to perform operations on a range of e...
    • regex This module provides tools to extend regular expressions capabilities.
    • string This module provides a set of functions to perform extra operations on strings.
    • type This module provides functions to manage types.
  • network This module provides classes and functions to interacte with a network. It pr...
    • channel This module provides classes to manage data exchanges between network devices...
    • endpoint This module provides the Network.EndPoint class which provides an abstract in...
    • endpoints This module provides classes implementing the Network.EndPoint interface. A n...
      • ip This module provides the Network.IpEndPoint class which provides an abstract ...
      • sctpip
      • tcpip This module provides the Network.TcpIp class which implement the Network.EndP...
      • udpip This module provides the Network.UdpIp class which implement the Network.EndP...
    • protocols This module provides classes implementing protocols from layers layers 5 to 7...
      • ftp
      • http This module provides a base implementation of the HTTP protocol.
        • client This module provides the Network.Http.Client class which implement the client...
        • message This module provides the Network.Http.Message class which implement the struc...
        • serializer This module provides the Network.Http.Serializer class which implement the se...
        • server This module provides the Network.Http.Server class which implement the server...
      • jsonrpc This module provides a base implementation of the JSON RPC protocol.
        • client This module provides the Network.JsonRpc.Client class which implement the cli...
        • exception This module provides classes to store exception contexts raised by the Networ...
        • message This module provides the Network.JsonRpc.Message class which implement the st...
        • serializer This module provides the Network.JsonRpc.Serializer class which implement the...
        • server This module provides the Network.JsonRpc.Server class which implement the ser...
    • scheduler This module provides the Network.Scheduler class which manages synchronizatio...
    • serializers This module provides classes implementing the network serializer interface. A...
      • data This module provides the Network.DataSerializer class which implement the ser...
      • datagram This module provides the Network.DatagramSerializer class which implement the...
      • server This module provides the Network.ServerSerializer class which implement the s...
      • text This module provides the Network.TextSerializer class which implement the ser...
  • serializer This module provides convenient classes for reading and writing data. It also...
    • bufferedstream This module provides the Serializer.BufferedStream class which add reading co...
    • datastream This module provides the Serializer.DataStream class which allow to manipulat...
    • documentstream This module provides the Serializer.DocumentStream class which add location i...
    • jsonstream This module provides the Serializer.DataStream class which allow to read and ...
    • stringstream This module provides the Serializer.StringStream class which allow to use a s...
    • textstream This module provides the Serializer.TextStream class which implement a stream...
    • xmldomstream This module provides the Serializer.XmlDomStream class which allow to read an...
    • xmlsaxstream This module provides the Serializer.XmlSaxStream class which allow to read an...
    • xmlstream This module provides the Serializer.XmlStream class which allow to read and w...
    • yamlstream This module provides the Serializer.YamlStream class which allow to read and ...
  • system This module provides classes and functions to interacte with the operating sy...
    • date This module provides the System.Date class which allow interactions with the ...
    • directory This module provides the System.Directory class which allow interactions with...
    • file This module provides the System.File class which allow interactions with the ...
    • filesystem This module provides tools to manage the file system informations.
    • locale This module provides the System.Locale class which provides access to the loc...
    • os This module provides tools to manage the operating system informations.
    • process This module provides classes and functions to manage external processes.
    • terminal This module provides tools to manage the terminal I/O.
    • thread This module provides classes and functions to create multi-threaded applicati...
    • timezone This module provides the System.TimeZone class which provides access to the t...
    • uri This module provides tools to works with Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI).
  • test This module provides classes allowing the implementation of unit tests. The m...
    • case This module provides the Test.Case class which is a base class to implement t...
    • suite This module provides the Test.Suite class which schedule tests.