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This module provides classes to manage data exchanges between network devices using messages. The Network.AsynchronousChannel class manages asynchronous exchanges and Network.SynchronousChannel manage synchronous exchanges.
This class manages asynchronous exchanges between network devices. Intances of this class should be synchronized using the Network.Scheduler object.
Public members
Modifiers | Member | Description |
const |
bind | Attempts to bind the channel to the remote device. Returns true if binding ... |
const |
close | Closes the communication with the peer if the channel was connected using the... |
const |
connect | Attempts to make a connection to the remote device. This method calls the Net... |
const |
getEndpoint | Returns the underling end point object. |
const |
getEvents | Returns the events expected by the channel as mask of values from the Network... |
const |
getSocket | Returns the channel's socket as a number. This method calls the Network.EndPo... |
const |
getState | Returns the current state of the channel as a value of Network.EndPoint.State... |
const |
isNonBlocking | Returns true if the channel performs I/O operations asynchronously (i.e. re... |
const |
listen | Tells the channel to listen for incoming connections on address configured by... |
const |
new | Creates a new channel to manage asynchronous exchanges with the device descri... |
const |
notifyClosed | Notifies the channel that the connection was closed by the peer. The connecti... |
const |
notifyConnection | Notifies the listening channel that the underling end point has received a ne... |
const |
notifyError | Notifies the channel that the underling end point has received an error. The ... |
const |
notifyReadable | Notifies the channel that the underling end point is readable. The channel wi... |
const |
notifyStateChanged | Notifies the channel that the underling end point's state is about to change.... |
const |
notifyWritable | Notifies the channel that the underling end point is writable. The channel wi... |
onClose | This method can be rebinded to handle close events. The channel parameter i... |
onMessage | This method can be rebinded to handle message events. The channel parameter... |
onOpen | This method can be rebinded to handle connection success events. The channe ... |
onState | This method can be rebinded to handle state change events. The channel para... |
const |
read | Returns the next message object in the reply queue or none if no more messa... |
const |
setNonBlocking | Sets the non blocking mode of the channel to enabled . This method calls the... |
const |
unwatch | Removes the channel from the Network.Scheduler object. This method calls the ... |
const |
watch | Adds the channel to the Network.Scheduler object. This method calls the Netwo... |
const |
write | Pushes the message object described by data to the request queue. The messa... |
Private members
Modifiers | Member | Description |
class |
DataQueue | This class manage a data queue where data can be pushed as messages or as byt... |
final |
endpoint | Internal underling end point. |
final |
reply | Internal DataQueue instance for replies waiting to be read. |
final |
request | Internal DataQueue instance for requests waiting to be sent. |
This class manage a data queue where data can be pushed as messages or as byte stream and converted unsing an object implementing the network.serializers interface.
Any method of this class is thread safe.
Public members
Modifiers | Member | Description |
const |
accept | Performs an accept operation on endpoint and push the new endpoint in the q... |
const |
isEmpty | Returns true if no more message can be retrieved from the queue; otherwise ... |
const |
new | Creates a new data queue. The Serializer parameter must be a class implemen... |
const |
pop | Removes the oldest message from the queue and returns it. If no more message ... |
const |
push | Pushes the message object described by data into the queue. The data para... |
const |
read | Performs a read operation on endpoint and append received data to the queue... |
const |
write | Performs a write operation on endpoint using the data available in the queu... |
Private members
Modifiers | Member | Description |
final |
mutex | Internal mutex. |
final |
serializer | Internal serializer object. |
This class manages synchronous exchanges between network devices.
Public members
Modifiers | Member | Description |
const |
bind | Attempts to bind the channel to the remote device. Returns true if binding ... |
const |
close | Closes the communication with the peer if the channel was connected using the... |
const |
connect | Attempts to make a connection to the remote device. Returns true if connect... |
const |
finalizeClose | Finalize the close of the underling end point. Return true if the close suc... |
const |
finalizeConnection | Finalize the connection to the peer. Return true if the connection succed; ... |
const |
getEndpoint | Returns the underling end point object. |
const |
getSocket | Returns the channel's socket as a number. This method calls the Network.EndPo... |
const |
getState | Returns the current state of the channel as a value of Network.EndPoint.State... |
const |
isNonBlocking | Returns true if the channel performs I/O operations asynchronously (i.e. re... |
const |
listen | Tells the channel to listen for incoming connections on address configured by... |
const |
new | Creates a new channel to manage synchronous exchanges with the device describ... |
const |
read | Returns the next message object in the reply queue or none if no more messa... |
const |
setNonBlocking | Sets the non blocking mode of the channel to enabled . This method calls the... |
const |
write | Writes the pending data to the underling end point. Returns true if the wri... |
Private members
Modifiers | Member | Description |
final |
endpoint | Internal underling end point. |
final |
reply | Internal serializer object for reading replies. |
final |
request | Internal serializer object for writing requests. |
def (self, endpoint)
Performs an accept operation on endpoint
and push the new endpoint
in the queue. Returns true
if a new connection was successfully
accepted; otherwise returns false
def (const self)
Returns true
if no more message can be retrieved from the queue;
otherwise returns false
Internal mutex.
def (self, Serializer)
Creates a new data queue. The Serializer
parameter must be a
class implementing the network.serializers interface
used to detect messages end and convert data from or to objects.
def (self)
Removes the oldest message from the queue and returns it. If no
more message can be generated using the remaining byte stream,
is returned.
def (self, data)
Pushes the message object described by data
into the queue. The
parameter must a message object that can be converted into
a byte stream by the serializer object to be stored in the queue.
def (self, endpoint)
Performs a read operation on endpoint
and append received data
to the queue. Returns true
if at least one message can be
constructed from the data pushed into the queue; otherwise returns
Internal serializer object.
def (self, endpoint)
Performs a write operation on endpoint
using the data available
in the queue. Returns true
if the data was successfully sent;
otherwise returns false
. After this call, the sent data should
be removed from the queue.
def (self)
Attempts to bind the channel to the remote device. Returns true
binding succed; otherwise returns false
. This method calls the
Network.EndPoint.bind method of the underling object.
An instance of Exception.SocketError is raised on error.
def (self)
Closes the communication with the peer if the channel was connected using the connect method or stops listening if the channel was openned with listen. This method calls the Network.EndPoint.close method of the underling object. If the socket was successfully closed, onClose is called; otherwise the socket will be closed later.
An instance of Exception.SocketError is raised on error.
def (self)
Attempts to make a connection to the remote device. This method calls the Network.EndPoint.connect method of the underling object.
The channel is connected asynchronously when the connection is accepted by the peer. The connection will be finalized if the channel is watched (see watch) and Network.Scheduler.synchronize is called or if Network.Scheduler.poll is called with an instance of Network.Scheduler.PollDescriptor created for this object. On connection success, the onOpen method will be called.
An instance of Exception.SocketError is raised on error.
Internal underling end point.
def (const self)
Returns the underling end point object.
def (const self)
Returns the events expected by the channel as mask of values from the Network.Scheduler.PollEvent enum.
def (const self)
Returns the channel's socket as a number. This method calls the Network.EndPoint.getSocket method of the underling object.
def (const self)
Returns the current state of the channel as a value of Network.EndPoint.State. This method calls the Network.EndPoint.getState method of the underling object.
def (const self)
Returns true
if the channel performs I/O operations asynchronously
(i.e. read or write data without blocking other channels); otherwise
returns false
. This method calls the Network.EndPoint.isNonBlocking
method of the underling object.
def (self)
Tells the channel to listen for incoming connections on address
configured by the end point. Returns true
on success; otherwise
returns false
. This method calls the Network.EndPoint.listen
method of the underling object. The Network.ServerSerializer should
be used has serializer class to correctly handle incomming connections.
An instance of Exception.SocketError is raised on error.
def (self, endpoint, Serializer = Network.TextSerializer)
Creates a new channel to manage asynchronous exchanges with the
device described by endpoint
. The endpoint
parameter must
implement the Network.EndPoint interface. The Serializer
must be a class implementing the network.serializers interface
used to detect messages end and convert exchanged data into objects.
If the endpoint
parameter is none
, the channel is not created.
def (self)
Notifies the channel that the connection was closed by the peer. The connection is then closed using Network.EndPoint.close and onClose is called.
An instance of Exception.SocketError is raised on error.
def (self)
Notifies the listening channel that the underling end point has received a new connection request. The end point corrsponding to the new connection is pushed to the reply queue and onMessage is called.
An instance of Exception.SocketError is raised on error.
def (self)
Notifies the channel that the underling end point has received an error. The end point state is updated to Network.EndPoint.State.Error and an instance of Exception.SocketError is raised.
def (self)
Notifies the channel that the underling end point is readable. The channel will then read all available data on the end point and send it to the serializer object. If one or more message can created with the data, onMessage is called.
An instance of Exception.SocketError is raised on error.
def (self, % state)
Notifies the channel that the underling end point's state is about
to change. The state
parameter is the new state that will be
applied to the end point. This value is passed to a call to
onState. The previous state can still be accessed with
getState until the end of the method.
[!WARNING] Calling Network.EndPoint.setState in this method can result in an infinite loop.
def (self)
Notifies the channel that the underling end point is writable. The channel will then send all available data from the serializer object to the end point. If the underling end point was connecting, the connection is finalized and onOpen is called.
An instance of Exception.SocketError is raised on error.
def (self, channel)
This method can be rebinded to handle close events. The channel
parameter is the channel that received the event. This can be used
to cleanup a context or try to reconnect when the connection was
closed by the peer.
def (self, channel)
This method can be rebinded to handle message events. The channel
parameter is the channel that received the event. The messages can
be accessed using the read method.
[!NOTE] This method can be called for one or more messages and will not be called until the underling end point receive more data. The read method should then be called by this method until
is returned.
def (self, channel)
This method can be rebinded to handle connection success events. The
parameter is the channel that received the event. This
method can be used to begin exchanges with the peer.
def (self, channel, % state)
This method can be rebinded to handle state change events. The channel
parameter is the channel that received the event and the state
is the state that will be applied to the underling end point. The previous
state can still be accessed with getState until the end of the method.
[!WARNING] Calling Network.EndPoint.setState in this method can result in an infinite loop.
def (self)
Returns the next message object in the reply queue or none
if no
more message is available.
Messages are added asynchronously when the underling end point become readable if the channel is watched (see watch) and Network.Scheduler.synchronize is called or if Network.Scheduler.poll is called with an instance of Network.Scheduler.PollDescriptor created for this object.
The message objects are created from a DataStreamSerializer. using the serializer class. The serializer must receive enough data from the peer to construct a message using the method of the underling end point.
Internal DataQueue instance for replies waiting to be read.
Internal DataQueue instance for requests waiting to be sent.
def (self, enabled)
Sets the non blocking mode of the channel to enabled
. This method
calls the Network.EndPoint.setNonBlocking method of the underling
object. Returns true
if the mode was successfully changed; otherwise
returns false
[!WARNING] Disable the non blocking mode on a channel can slow down any network I/O operations of the application. Other channels will not be able to perform I/O operations until the current operation's acknowledgment by the peer.
An instance of Exception.SocketError is raised on error.
def (self)
Removes the channel from the Network.Scheduler object. This method calls the Network.Scheduler.remove method.
def (self)
Adds the channel to the Network.Scheduler object. This method calls the method.
An instance of Exception.SocketError is raised on error.
def (self, data)
Pushes the message object described by data
to the request queue.
The message is not sent directly but will be sent asynchronously when the underling end point will become writable if the channel is watched (see watch) and Network.Scheduler.synchronize is called or if Network.Scheduler.poll is called with an instance of Network.Scheduler.PollDescriptor created for this object.
The message object will then be converted to Serializer.DataStream using the serializer class and sent to the peer using the Network.EndPoint.write method of the underling end point.
def (self)
Attempts to bind the channel to the remote device. Returns true
binding succed; otherwise returns false
. This method calls the
Network.EndPoint.bind method of the underling object.
An instance of Exception.SocketError is raised on error.
def (self)
Closes the communication with the peer if the channel was connected
using the connect method or stops listening if the channel was
openned with listen. This method calls the Network.EndPoint.close
method of the underling object. Returns true
if the socket was
successfully closed; otherwise returns false
If the method returns false
and the underling end point enters the
Network.EndPoint.State.Closing state, the close operation must be
finalized later using the finalizeClose method.
An instance of Exception.SocketError is raised on error.
def (self)
Attempts to make a connection to the remote device. Returns true
connection succed; otherwise returns false
. This method calls the
Network.EndPoint.connect method of the underling object.
If the method returns false
and the underling end point enters the
Network.EndPoint.State.Connecting state, the connection must be
finalized later using the finalizeConnection method.
An instance of Exception.SocketError is raised on error.
Internal underling end point.
def (self)
Finalize the close of the underling end point. Return true
if the
close succed; otherwise returns false
. This method calls the
Network.EndPoint.finalizeClose method of the underling end point.
An instance of Exception.SocketError is raised on error.
def (self)
Finalize the connection to the peer. Return true
if the connection
succed; otherwise returns false
. This method calls the
Network.EndPoint.finalizeConnection method of the underling end
An instance of Exception.SocketError is raised on error.
def (const self)
Returns the underling end point object.
def (const self)
Returns the channel's socket as a number. This method calls the Network.EndPoint.getSocket method of the underling object.
def (const self)
Returns the current state of the channel as a value of Network.EndPoint.State. This method calls the Network.EndPoint.getState method of the underling object.
def (const self)
Returns true
if the channel performs I/O operations asynchronously
(i.e. read or write data without blocking other channels); otherwise
returns false
. This method calls the Network.EndPoint.isNonBlocking
method of the underling object.
def (self)
Tells the channel to listen for incoming connections on address
configured by the end point. Returns true
on success; otherwise
returns false
. This method calls the Network.EndPoint.listen
method of the underling object. The Network.ServerSerializer should
be used has serializer class to correctly handle incomming connections.
An instance of Exception.SocketError is raised on error.
def (self, endpoint, Serializer = Network.TextSerializer)
Creates a new channel to manage synchronous exchanges with the
device described by endpoint
. The endpoint
parameter must
implement the Network.EndPoint interface. The Serializer
must be a class implementing the network.serializers interface
used to detect messages end and convert exchanged data into objects.
If the endpoint
parameter is none
, the channel is not created.
def (self)
Returns the next message object in the reply queue or none
if no
more message is available.
The message objects are created from a Serializer.DataStream using the serializer class. The serializer must receive enough data from the peer to construct a message using the method of the underling end point.
Internal serializer object for reading replies.
Internal serializer object for writing requests.
def (self, enabled)
Sets the non blocking mode of the channel to enabled
. This method
calls the Network.EndPoint.setNonBlocking method of the underling
object. Returns true
if the mode was successfully changed; otherwise
returns false
[!WARNING] Disable the non blocking mode on a channel can slow down any network I/O operations of the application. Other channels will not be able to perform I/O operations until the current operation's acknowledgment by the peer.
An instance of Exception.SocketError is raised on error.
def (self)
Writes the pending data to the underling end point. Returns true
if the write operation succeed; otherwise returns false
and the
remaining data should be sent later.
The message object will be converted to Serializer.DataStream using the serializer class and sent to the peer using the Network.EndPoint.write method of the underling end point.
def (self, data)
Writes the message object described by data
to the underling end
point. Returns true
if the write operation succeed; otherwise
returns false
and the remaining data should be sent later using
The message object will be converted to Serializer.DataStream using the serializer class and sent to the peer using the Network.EndPoint.write method of the underling end point.