system.process - Palamecia/mint GitHub Wiki


load system.process

This module provides classes and functions to manage external processes.




This class is used to start external programs and to communicate with them.

This type is not copyable

Public members

Modifiers Member Description
@ const current Returns an instance of System.Process managing the current process.
const delete Cleans up the process instance.
const exec Starts the configured process and blocks until the process has finished. Retu...
const getArguments Returns a list containing the command line arguments of the managed process.
const getCommand Returns the command (application path) of the managed process.
const getEnvironment Returns an hash containing the environment variables of the managed process (...
const getExitCode Returns the exit code returned by the la execution of the process. A return c...
const getExitStatus Returns false if the last execution was terminated abnormally; otherwise re...
const getPid Returns the PID of the managed process or none if the process has no PID (i...
const getWorkingDirectory Returns the working directory assigned to the managed process as an instance ...
const isRunning Returns true if the managed process is running; otherwise returns false. ...
const kill Kills the managed process, causing it to exit immediately. Returns true if ...
@ const list Returns an iterator on each running process PID as a number. The returned val...
const new Creates a new object managing the process identified by ident. If the ide...
const read Reads all the data on the standard output of the called process.
const readError Reads all the data on the error output of the called process.
const setEnvironment Sets the environment variables to environment. The process will be started ...
const setWorkingDirectory Sets the working directory to workingDirectory. The process will be started...
const start Starts the configured process and return immediately. Returns true if the p...
const terminate Attempts to terminate the managed process. The process may not exit as a resu...
const wait Blocks until the process has finished. Returns true if the process was corr...
const write Writes the content of data to the standard input of the called process. If ...

Private members

Modifiers Member Description
final args Internal arguments list.
const clone Disable object copy.
final command Internal commande.
final environment Internal environment.
final exitCode Internal last exit code.
final exitStatus Internal last exit status.
@ g_current Global instance of current process.
@ g_lib Global library handle.
final handle Internal process handle.
final pipes Internal pipes for communication between processes.
final workingDirectory Internal working directory.





Internal arguments list.



Disable object copy.



Internal commande.


def ()

Returns an instance of System.Process managing the current process.


def (self)

Cleans up the process instance.



Internal environment.


def (self, ...)

Starts the configured process and blocks until the process has finished. Returns true if the process was correctly started and executed; otherwise returns false. The exit code can then be retrived by the function getExitCode and the messages and errors by the read and readError functions. The started process can be configured using the setEnvironment and setWorkingDirectory functions. The parameters passed to this method are used as command line arguments for the started process.

An instance of Exception.SystemError is raised on error.



Internal last exit code.



Internal last exit status.



Global instance of current process.


lib ('libmint-system')

Global library handle.


def (const self)

Returns a list containing the command line arguments of the managed process.


def (const self)

Returns the command (application path) of the managed process.


def (const self)

Returns an hash containing the environment variables of the managed process (name to value).


def (const self)

Returns the exit code returned by the la execution of the process. A return code of 0 is returned for process that were never executed.


def (const self)

Returns false if the last execution was terminated abnormally; otherwise returns true. A return value of true can either mean that the execution was successfull, never started or not terminated.


def (const self)

Returns the PID of the managed process or none if the process has no PID (i.e. is not running).


def (const self)

Returns the working directory assigned to the managed process as an instance of System.Directory.



Internal process handle.


def (const self)

Returns true if the managed process is running; otherwise returns false. The process is not running if it was not correctly started or has finished. The getExitStatus and getExitCode can used to get extra informations on non running processes.


def (self)

Kills the managed process, causing it to exit immediately. Returns true if the request was successfully sent to the process; otherwise returns false. The process must be running.

An instance of Exception.SystemError is raised on error.


def ()

Returns an iterator on each running process PID as a number. The returned values can be used as the parameter to create an instance of System.Process to manage the associated process.

def (self, ident)

Creates a new object managing the process identified by ident.

If the ident parameter is an instance of System.Process, the given value is returned by the function as the new instance.

If the ident parameter is a number, this value is used as a process identifier (PID) to find the associated process. The process must be already runing.

If ident rovides a toProcess method, this method is used to create the returned value; otherwise desc is cast to string to get a path to an application. The process must then be started using the exec or start method.



Internal pipes for communication between processes.

def (self)

Reads all the data on the standard output of the called process.


def (self)

Reads all the data on the error output of the called process.


def (self, environment)

Sets the environment variables to environment. The process will be started using this environment. The parameter must be an hash (name to value) and the function must be called before start or exec. By default, the environment is copied from the current process.


def (self, workingDirectory)

Sets the working directory to workingDirectory. The process will be started in this directory. This function must be called before start or exec. By default, the working directory is copied from the current process.


def (self, ...)

Starts the configured process and return immediately. Returns true if the process was correctly started; otherwise returns false. On success, the wait function can be used to wait until the process has finished. The started process can be configured using the setEnvironment and setWorkingDirectory functions. The parameters passed to this method are used as command line arguments for the started process.

An instance of Exception.SystemError is raised on error.


def (self)

Attempts to terminate the managed process. The process may not exit as a result of calling this function (it is given the chance to prompt the user for any unsaved files, etc). Returns true if the request was successfully sent to the process; otherwise returns false. The process must be running.

An instance of Exception.SystemError is raised on error.


def (self)

Blocks until the process has finished. Returns true if the process was correctly executed; otherwise returns false. The exit code can then be retrived by the function getExitCode and the messages and errors by the read and readError functions.



Internal working directory.


def (self, data)

Writes the content of data to the standard input of the called process. If the process is not running, the data will be sent once started.


def (command)

Executes the commande line command as if passed to a terminal. Returns the exit code of the command.


def ()

Returns the PID of the current process.