event.streamsynchronizer - Palamecia/mint GitHub Wiki


load event.streamsynchronizer

This module provides the Event.StreamSynchronizer class that allows to perform synchronous I/O operations on an asynchronous device.




This class allows to perform synchronous I/O operations on an asynchronous device. The device object must implement the serializer interface an provide a wait or getHandle method.

Public members

Modifiers Member Description
const << calls the write method of the underling object, then returns a reference to...
const >> Waits for available data and calls the readWord method of the underling obj...
const isEmpty Returns true if the stream has no more data to read; otherwise returns fa...
const new Creates a new synchronizer for the object given by stream.
const read Waits for available data and calls the read method of the underling object.
readChar Waits for available data and calls the readChar method of the underling obj...
readLine Waits for available data and calls the readLine method of the underling obj...
readLines Waits for available data and calls the readLines method of the underling ob...
readWord Waits for available data and calls the readWord method of the underling obj...
const write calls the write method of the underling object.

Private members

Modifiers Member Description
final stream Internal stream object.
final wait Internal wait method.



def (self, data)

calls the write method of the underling object, then returns a reference to the stream.


def (self, data)

Waits for available data and calls the readWord method of the underling object, stores the result in data, then returns a reference to the stream.


def (const self)

Returns true if the stream has no more data to read; otherwise returns false.


def (self, stream)

Creates a new synchronizer for the object given by stream.


def (self)

Waits for available data and calls the read method of the underling object.


def (self)

Waits for available data and calls the readChar method of the underling object.


def (self)

Waits for available data and calls the readLine method of the underling object.


def (self)

Waits for available data and calls the readLines method of the underling object.


def (self)

Waits for available data and calls the readWord method of the underling object.



Internal stream object.



Internal wait method.


def (self, data)

calls the write method of the underling object.