serializer.documentstream - Palamecia/mint GitHub Wiki


load serializer.documentstream

This module provides the Serializer.DocumentStream class which add location informations to read data from a text document.




This class creates a conveniant interface for reading and writing data on a text document. It provides informations such as current line and column number.

Public members

Modifiers Member Description
const << Writes the string data to the stream, and returns a reference to the stream...
const >> Reads a word from the stream and stores it in data, then returns a referenc...
class InvalidDocument This class provides the context of an invalid content exception.
const getCodec Returns the codec that is current assigned to the stream. It correspond to th...
const getColumnNumber Returns the column number of the read cursor position.
const getLineNumber Returns the line number of the read cursor position.
const isEmpty Returns true if the stream has no more data to read; otherwise returns fa...
const new Creates a new stream for reading and writing data using stream.
const read Reads all remaining data from the stream, and returns it as a string.
const readChar Reads the next character from the stream, and returns it as a string. Data is...
const readLine Reads the next line from the stream, and returns it as a string. Data is read...
const readLines Returns an iterator on each remaining lines of the stream.
const readWord Reads a word from the stream, and returns it as a string. Words are separated...
const setCodec Forwards the codec to the underling object.
const toTextStream Returns the internal instance of Serializer.TextStream used for read and writ...
const write Writes the content of data to the stream. The write method of the underli...

Private members

Modifiers Member Description
final column Internal column number.
final line Internal line number.
final stream Internal underling stream.


This class provides the context of an invalid content exception.


Public members

Modifiers Member Description
const getColumnNumber Returns the error column number.
const getDocument Returns the document that raised the error.
const getError Returns the error message.
const getLineNumber Returns the error line number.
const new Create a new instance of the exception for the given document at the curren...
const toString Returns the exception informations as a string.

Private members

Modifiers Member Description
final column Internal column number.
final document Internal document.
final error Internal error message.
final line Internal line number.



def (self, data)

Writes the string data to the stream, and returns a reference to the stream. The string is first encoded using the assigned codec (the default is UTF-8) before it is written to the stream.


def (self, data)

Reads a word from the stream and stores it in data, then returns a reference to the stream. Words are separated by whitespace (i.e., all characters for which isSpace returns true).

Leading whitespace are skipped.



Internal column number.



Internal document.



Internal error message.


def (const self)

Returns the error column number.


def (const self)

Returns the document that raised the error.


def (const self)

Returns the error message.


def (const self)

Returns the error line number.



Internal line number.

def (self, document, error)

Create a new instance of the exception for the given document at the current position with an error message.


def (const self)

Returns the exception informations as a string.



Internal column number.


def (const self)

Returns the codec that is current assigned to the stream. It correspond to the codec of the underling stream.


def (const self)

Returns the column number of the read cursor position.


def (const self)

Returns the line number of the read cursor position.


def (const self)

Returns true if the stream has no more data to read; otherwise returns false.



Internal line number.

def (self, stream)

Creates a new stream for reading and writing data using stream.

def (self)

Reads all remaining data from the stream, and returns it as a string.


def (self)

Reads the next character from the stream, and returns it as a string. Data is read until a valid character is read or if the end of stream is detected.


def (self)

Reads the next line from the stream, and returns it as a string. Data is read until a '\n' character is read or if the end of stream is detected.


def (self)

Returns an iterator on each remaining lines of the stream.


def (self)

Reads a word from the stream, and returns it as a string. Words are separated by whitespace (i.e., all characters for which isSpace returns true).

Leading whitespace are skipped.


def (self, codec)

Forwards the codec to the underling object.


Internal underling stream.


def (self)

Returns the internal instance of Serializer.TextStream used for read and write operations on the document.


def (self, data)

Writes the content of data to the stream.

The write method of the underling object is used to write the data.