test.case - Palamecia/mint GitHub Wiki


load test.case

This module provides the Test.Case class which is a base class to implement test cases.




Test.Case provide a base class to implement test cases. Any member of a class derived from Test.Case that starts with 'test' is automatically added to the test case. This class also provide methods to test values such as expectEqual.


load test.case

class MyTestCase : Test.Case {
    def testAddOneAndOne(self) {
        self.expectEqual(2, 1 + 1, '1 + 1 is not 2')


Modifiers Member Description
~ const discover Initialize the set of test members to call and return the amount of tests fou...
+ const expectDefined Test for defined value. If given value is not defined, the test fail. If ``...
+ const expectEqual Test for equality between expected and result. If given values are not eq...
+ const expectIsNotSame Test for address inequality between expected and result. If given address...
+ const expectIsSame Test for address equality between expected and result. If given address a...
+ const expectNotDefined Test for undefined value. If given value is defined, the test fail. If me...
+ const expectNotEqual Test for inequality between expected and result. If given values are equa...
- final failed Internal list of failed test methods.
- final failuresCount Internal counter of test failures.
- final found Internal list of found test methods.
- @ g_lib Global library handle.
- final const getTestName Extracts the name of the given test method.
~ const isFailing Returns true if at least one test has failed; otherwise returns false.
~ const list Returns the list of test names found in this test case.
- @ const printValue Returns a printable string representation of value based on its type.
~ const run Run test members. To initialize the set of test members to run, discover must...
~ const showSummary Print the summary of failed tests on standard output.



def (self, filter = /.*/)

Initialize the set of test members to call and return the amount of tests found.


def (self, % value, message = none)

Test for defined value. If given value is not defined, the test fail. If message is given, the message is printed on the standard output.


def (self, % expected, % result, message = none)

Test for equality between expected and result. If given values are not equal, the test fail. If message is given, the message is printed on the standard output.


def (self, % expected, % result, message = none)

Test for address inequality between expected and result. If given address are equal, the test fail. If message is given, the message is printed on the standard output.


def (self, % expected, % result, message = none)

Test for address equality between expected and result. If given address are not equal, the test fail. If message is given, the message is printed on the standard output.


def (self, % value, message = none)

Test for undefined value. If given value is defined, the test fail. If message is given, the message is printed on the standard output.


def (self, % expected, % result, message = none)

Test for inequality between expected and result. If given values are equal, the test fail. If message is given, the message is printed on the standard output.



Internal list of failed test methods.



Internal counter of test failures.



Internal list of found test methods.


lib ('libmint-test')

Global library handle.


def (const self, test)

Extracts the name of the given test method.


def (const self)

Returns true if at least one test has failed; otherwise returns false.


def (self, filter = /.*/)

Returns the list of test names found in this test case.


def (value)

Returns a printable string representation of value based on its type.


def (self)

Run test members. To initialize the set of test members to run, discover must be called first. This member should be called using Test.Suite.run.


def (self)

Print the summary of failed tests on standard output.