mint.range - Palamecia/mint GitHub Wiki


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This module provides a set of functions to perform operations on a range of elements. The range of elements must implement the in operator.




def (range, init)

Returns the result of the + operator applied resursively to each values in range where predicate returns true for the value with an initial value of init.

def (range, init, func)

Returns the result of the func function applied resursively to each values in range where predicate returns true for the value with an initial value of init.


def (range, init, predicate)

Returns the result of the + operator applied resursively to each values in range with an initial value of init.

def (range, init, predicate, func)

Returns the result of the func function applied resursively to each values in range with an initial value of init.


def (range)

Returns an iterator on the first element of range that is equal to its next element. The elements of range must implement the == operator.

def (range, predicate)

Returns an iterator on the first element of range where predicate returns true when called with the element and its next element.


def (range, predicate)

Returns true if predicate returns true for all elements in range; otherwie returns false.


def (range, predicate)

Returns true if predicate returns true for at least one element in range; otherwie returns false.


def (range, other)

Copy all elements in other to the corresponding element of range. Returns an iterator on the next element of range.


def (range, other)

Copy all elements in other to the corresponding element of range starting from the end. Returns a reversed iterator on the next element of range.


def (range, other, predicate)

Copy all elements in other for which predicate returns true to the corresponding element of range. Returns an iterator on the next element of range.


def (range, n, other)

Copy the n first elements in other to the corresponding element of range. Returns an iterator on the next element of range.


def (range)

Returns the number of elements in range.

def (range, value)

Returns the number of elements in range that is equal to value. Both range elemnts and value must implement the == operator.


def (range, predicate)

Returns the number of elements in range for which predicate returns true.


def (range, func)

Calls func for each element in range.


def (range, n, func)

Calls func for the n first elements in range.


def (range, other)

Returns true if the last elements of range are equal to the elements of other; otherwise returns false. The elements of range and other must implement the == operator.

def (range, other, predicate)

Returns true if the last elements of range are equal to the elements of other; otherwise returns false. The elements of range and other are compared using predicate.


def (range, from = 0)

Returns an iterator containing iterators with a counter starting from from before each element contained in range.


def (range, value)

Returns an iterator on the first element of range that match value. The elements of range must implement the == operator.


def (range, other)

Returns an iterator on the beginning of the last occurence of other in range. The elements of range and other must implement the == operator.

def (range, other, predicate)

Returns an iterator on the beginning of the last occurence of other in range. The elements of range and other are compared using predicate.


def (range, values)

Returns an iterator on the first element of range that is equal to an element of values. The elements of range and values must implement the == operator.

def (range, values, predicate)

Returns an iterator on the first element of range where predicate returns true for an element of values.


def (range, predicate)

Returns an iterator on the first element of range where predicate returns true.


def (range, predicate)

Returns an iterator on the first element of range where predicate returns false.


def ()

Returns an empty iterator.

def (...)

Returns an iterator on each parameter passed to the function.


def (range, other)

Returns an iterator containing two iterators on the first non-equal elements of range and other. The elements in the two ranges must implement the == operator.

def (range, other, predicate)

Returns an iterator containing two iterators on the first elements of range and other where predicate returns false.


def (range, step = 1)

Returns an iterator starting to the step th next element in the object provided by range.


def (range, predicate)

Returns true if predicate returns true for no elements in range; otherwie returns false.


def (range)

Reverses the order of the elements in range and returns range.


def (range)

Returns an iterator on the elements of range in reversed order.


def (range, other)

Returns an iterator on the beginning of the first occurence of other in range. The elements of range and other must implement the == operator.

def (range, other, predicate)

Returns an iterator on the beginning of the first occurence of other in range. The elements of range and other are compared using predicate.


def (range, n, value)

Returns an iterator on the beginning of the first occurence of n consecutive elements equals to value in range. The elements of range and value must implement the == operator.

def (range, n, value, predicate)

Returns an iterator on the beginning of the first occurence of n consecutive elements equals to value in range. The elements of range and value are compared using predicate.


def (range, from, to = none, step = 1)

Returns an iterator on each element contained in range starting from the from th element and until the to th element. If to is not specified, the object provided by the range parameter must provides a size method to get the index of the last inserted value. If step is provided, elements are skeeped to provides only elements with an index that is a multiple of step.


def (range, other)

Returns true if the first elements of range are equal to the elements of other; otherwise returns false. The elements of range and other must implement the == operator.

def (range, other, predicate)

Returns true if the first elements of range are equal to the elements of other; otherwise returns false. The elements of range and other are compared using predicate.


def (range, func)

Returns an iterator containing each result of the func function applied to the values contained in range.


def (range, predicate, func)

Returns an iterator containing each result of the func function applied to the values contained in range where predicate returns true for the value.


def (range, ...)

Returns an iterator containing, iterators with, for each object passed as parameter, the value contained at the same position.