network.endpoints - Palamecia/mint GitHub Wiki


This module provides classes implementing the Network.EndPoint interface. A network end point class allows low level communication with a peer device over a network (layers 1 to 4 of the OSI model).

An end point class must inherit the Network.EndPoint interface and implement the following methods:

[!WARNING] The constructor of an end point class must call the base class constructor before any other operation.


class MyEndPointClass : Network.EndPoint {
    const def new(self, ...) {
        if self = {
            // specific initialization
            return self


def connect(self)

Attempts to make a connection to the remote device. Returns true if connection succed or if the connection request was successfully sent and is waiting for acknowledgment; otherwise returns false. On success, the end point should enter the Network.EndPoint.State.Connected or Network.EndPoint.State.Connecting state. On error, it should enter the Network.EndPoint.State.Disconnected state.


def finalizeConnection(self)

Finalize the connection to the peer. Return true if the connection succed; otherwise returns false. On success, the end point should enter the Network.EndPoint.State.Connected state. On error, it should enter the Network.EndPoint.State.Disconnected state.


def read(self)

Returns all available data received from the peer as an instance of Serializer.DataStream or none if no data is available. The end point must be in the Network.EndPoint.State.Connected state.


def write(self, data)

Sends the data described by the data parameter to the peer. The data parameter must be an instance of Serializer.DataStream. Returns true if the data was successfully sent to the peer; otherwise returns false. The end point must be in the Network.EndPoint.State.Connected state.


def bind(self)

Tells the end point to listen for incoming messages. Returns true on success; otherwise returns false. On success, the end point should enter the Network.EndPoint.State.Bound state. On error, it should enter the Network.EndPoint.State.Disconnected state.


def listen(self)

Tells the end point to listen for incoming connections. Returns true on success; otherwise returns false. On success, the end point should enter the Network.EndPoint.State.Listening state. On error, it should enter the Network.EndPoint.State.Disconnected state.


def accept(self)

Returns a new end point initialized for the next waiting connection if any; otherwise returns none. The waiting connection will then be accepted and dequeued. The end point must be in the Network.EndPoint.State.Listening state.


def close(self)

Closes the communication with the peer if the end point was in the Network.EndPoint.State.Connected state or stops listening if the end point was in the Network.EndPoint.State.Listening state. Returns true if the socket was successfully closed; otherwise returns false and the socket should then be closed later unsing finalizeClose. On success, the end point should enter the Network.EndPoint.State.Closed or Network.EndPoint.State.Closing state.


def finalizeClose(self)

Finalize the close to the peer. Return true if the close succed; otherwise returns false. On success, the end point should enter the Network.EndPoint.State.Closed state. On error, it should enter the Network.EndPoint.State.Error state.


def getSocket(const self)

Returns the end point's socket as a number or none if the end point has no socket.


def isNonBlocking(const self)

Returns true if the end point performs I/O operations without blocking (i.e. or Network.EndPoint.write returns immediately without waiting for I/O completion); otherwise returns false.


def setNonBlocking(self, enabled)

Sets the non blocking mode of the end point to enabled. Returns true if the mode was successfully changed; otherwise returns false.


