mint.commandlineparser - Palamecia/mint GitHub Wiki


load mint.commandlineparser

This module provides tools to parse the script's command line arguments.



This enum describe the action to apply to a target variable to treat an argument.

Constant Value Description
Call 1 Uses the call operator of the target variable with the value as parameter.
Count 3 Calls the ++ operator of the target variable any time the parameter is found.
Flag 2 Sets the value of the target variable to true .
Store 0 Stores the value to the target variable.


This enum describe an argument type.

Constant Value Description
Option 0 The argument is an option.
Positionnal 1 The argument is positionnal.



This class provides a way to parse the script's command line parameters from a simple description of the expected arguments. It can also generate an help message from the description.

Public members

Modifiers Member Description
enum Action This enum describe the action to apply to a target variable to treat an argum...
const addArgument Adds an option argument to look for while parsing. The name parameter must ...
const addPositionnalArgument Adds a positionnal argument to look for while parsing. The name parameter m...
const getScript Returns the current script's path as an instance of System.File. This method ...
const new Creates a new parser.
onError Prints the error_message on the error output and exit the program with erro...
const parse Parses the command line arguments given by args. The args parameter must ...
const setDescription Sets the script's description to description. If provided, the --help arg...
const setVersion Sets the script's version to version. If provided, the --version argument...
const showHelp Prints the help message on the printer described by printer.
const showVersion Prints the version message on the printer described by printer.

Protected members

Modifiers Member Description
const addInternalArgument Adds a builtin option argument to look for while parsing. The name paramete...

Private members

Modifiers Member Description
class Argument This class describe an argument.
final arguments Internal arguments list.
final description Internal description value.
final internalArguments Internal builtin arguments list.
final options Internal options access.
final positionnalArguments Internal positionnal arguments list.
final script Internal script file.
final version Internal version value.


This class describe an argument.

Public members

Modifiers Member Description
enum Type This enum describe an argument type.
const getAction Returns the action to apply to the target variable for this argument.
const getDescription Returns the description message for this argument.
const getHelp Returns the help message for this argument.
const getParameter Returns the parameter list for this argument.
const getTarget Returns the target variable for this argument.
name Argument name(s).
options Argument options
const set Sets the value of the argument. Provided values are given as extra arguments.
type Argument type.




Uses the call operator of the target variable with the value as parameter.



Calls the ++ operator of the target variable any time the parameter is found.



Sets the value of the target variable to true .



Stores the value to the target variable.



The argument is an option.



The argument is positionnal.


def (const self)

Returns the action to apply to the target variable for this argument.


def (const self)

Returns the description message for this argument.


def (const self)

Returns the help message for this argument.


def (const self)

Returns the parameter list for this argument.


def (const self)

Returns the target variable for this argument.


Argument name(s).



Argument options


def (self, ...)

Sets the value of the argument. Provided values are given as extra arguments.



Argument type.


def (self, name, options)

Adds an option argument to look for while parsing.

The name parameter must be a string containing the name expected by the script in the command line parameter for the given argument. It can also be an array of string if several names can be used for this argument (i.e. arguments with a short and long name).

The options parameter must be an hash containing the following values:

  • description (default: ''): Provides the description used by the help message for this argument.
  • target (default: none): Provides the target variable for this argument.
  • action (default: depend on target type): Provides the CommandLineParser.Action to apply to the target variable for this argument.
  • parameter (default: []): Provides the parameter list for this argument as an array of string.


def (self, name, options)

Adds a builtin option argument to look for while parsing.

The name parameter must be a string containing the name expected by the script in the command line parameter for the given argument. It can also be an array of string if several names can be used for this argument (i.e. arguments with a short and long name).

The options parameter must be an hash containing the following values:

  • description (default: ''): Provides the description used by the help message for this argument.
  • target (default: none): Provides the target variable for this argument.
  • action (default: depend on target type): Provides the CommandLineParser.Action to apply to the target variable for this argument.
  • parameter (default: []): Provides the parameter list for this argument as an array of string.


def (self, name, options)

Adds a positionnal argument to look for while parsing.

The name parameter must be a string containing the name of the given argument.

The options parameter must be an hash containing the following values:

  • description (default: ''): Provides the description used by the help message for this argument.
  • target (default: none): Provides the target variable for this argument.
  • action (default: depend on target type): Provides the CommandLineParser.Action to apply to the target variable for this argument.



Internal arguments list.



Internal description value.


def (const self)

Returns the current script's path as an instance of System.File. This method must be called after parse in order to be initialized.



Internal builtin arguments list.

def (self)

Creates a new parser.


def (const self, error_message)

Prints the error_message on the error output and exit the program with error code ExitStatus.Failure.



Internal options access.


def (const self, args)

Parses the command line arguments given by args. The args parameter must be the va_args variable of the main module or an iterator containing the same values.

On invalid argument, the onError method is called.



Internal positionnal arguments list.



Internal script file.


def (self, description)

Sets the script's description to description. If provided, the --help argument will include this description.


def (self, version)

Sets the script's version to version. If provided, the --version argument is enabled.


def (self, printer = System.stdout)

Prints the help message on the printer described by printer.


def (self, printer = System.stdout)

Prints the version message on the printer described by printer.



Internal version value.