Page Index - nanpuhaha/SerpentAI GitHub Wiki
54 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Translations
- Installation
- Quick Start
- Core Concepts
- Common Tasks
- Extras
- Sample Plugins
- Recommended 3rd-Party Tools
- Useful Documentation
- Capturing Frames and Regions
- Community Showcase
- Data Processing Flowchart
- Defining Screen Regions
- GameAgent插件 游戏代理插件 (The GameAgent Plugin)
- GameAgent类 游戏代理类 (The GameAgent Class)
- GameFrame类 游戏帧类 (The GameFrame Class)
- Game插件 游戏插件 (The Game Plugin)
- Game类 游戏类 (The Game Class)
- Home_zh_cn
- Identifying and Locating Sprites
- InputController类 输入控制类 (The InputController Class)
- Isolating Sprites from their background
- Linux Installation guide
- Linux 安装指南
- MacOS Installation guide
- macOS 安装指南
- Memory Manipulation on Windows
- Serpent.AI Hello World 样例
- SerpentAI's Plugin System
- Serpent命令 (The serpent Executable)
- Starter Workflow
- The Game Class
- The Game Plugin
- The GameAgent Class
- The GameAgent Plugin
- The GameFrame Class
- The InputController Class
- The serpent Executable
- The SerpentAI Hello World
- Training a Context Classifier
- Tuning Redis
- Using the Visual Debugger
- Windows Installation Guide
- Windows 安装指南
- 从游戏背景提取精灵
- 使用可视化调试器 (Visual Debugger)
- 图像帧及指定图像区域捕获
- 定义及定位精灵 (Sprite)
- 屏幕区域定义及度量
- 插件系统 (The Plugin System)
- 新手向游戏代理开发流程
- 简体中文
- 训练一个上下文分类器