The Game Class - nanpuhaha/SerpentAI GitHub Wiki
The Game class is meant to represent a generic video game in the Serpent.AI framework.
What's in a Game Instance?
- Launching the game through the proper GameLauncher class
- Collecting and storing game window information
- Starting/stopping instances of the FrameGrabber class
- Feeding GameFrame instances to a given GameAgent instance in a loop
- Throttling the speed at which GameFrame instances are fed to the GameAgent instance
- Exposing the game-specific API implemented by a plugin
- Registering and exposing all sprites following the name convention inside a plugin's data directory
- Providing information about regions of interest in game frames
- Providing information about OCR presets
Frame Grabbing
When play is called on a Game instance, a FrameGrabber instance is started in the background as a separate process. The Frame Grabber's role is to maintain a precise capture rate (30 FPS by default) and store the image data in an in-memory stack. The Frame Grabber automatically gets shut down when the main process gets killed. It runs in the background for a pretty obvious reason: Not letting the execution of the Game Agent interfere with the capture.
Game Frame Limiter
When feeding GameFrame instances to a game agent, the rate at which frames are dispatched is throttled so it can't go over a specific FPS value. This concept was added after gaining experience building game agents with the framework. The main reason for this throttle is to ensure a realistic amount of APM (actions per minute) and to normalize the interval between actions from the agent. While it may sound great to have a game agent play the game at 1000 APM, the resulting gameplay ends up looking quite unnatural and it very often confuses the agent more than anything. The default limit is set to 2 FPS which is a very generous theoretical maximum of 120 APM. The threshold can be changed in config/config.plugins.yml.
Game Plugins can optionally ship with their own GameAPI subclass containing game-specific, reusable functions that are expected to be useful to ANY game agent that leverages it. The provided functions can cover anything from mere utilities to advanced UI operations or image processing routines.
Game Plugins can optionally ship with pre-extracted game sprites in their files/data/sprites directory. Provided the file follow the naming convention (sprite_<sprite_name>_<animation_state_index>.png), they will automatically be registered and instantiated as Sprite objects and stored in self.sprites
. This is useful for sprite identification / location in game agents later on.
Screen Regions
A basic way of defining rectangular image ROIs (regions of interest). Defined as a hardcoded property in a plugin, they allow a game agent to conveniently look at a precise region of a game frame.
OCR Presets
A basic way of defining presets for OCR settings (preprocessing options, mostly) and tie them to categories of UI textual elements. Defined as a hardcoded property in a plugin, they allow a game agent to conveniently pick the best OCR settings for a given text category.
Game Window
: An OS-specific ID of the detected game window. (Linux and Windows only)self.window_name
: The title of the window containing the game. Used by the window controller to locate the proper window.self.window_geometry
: A dictionary containing the following keys with geometry information: width, height, x_offset, y_offset
Game Specific
: A GameAPI instance provided by a pluginself.sprites
: A collection of registered Sprite instancesself.screen_regions
: A dictionary containing Name => Bounding Box Coordinates key-value pairsself.ocr_presets
: A dictionary containing Name => OCR Settings key-value pairs
: Whether or not the game is runningself.is_focused
: Whether or not the game window has focus
: Extra parameters passed by a plugin
Method Signature launch(self, dry_run=False)
Run the before_launch callback, launch the game through the proper GameLaunch and run the after_launch callback.
- dry_run: When True, only run the callbacks and don't launch the game. Defaults to False.
This method CANNOT be overwritten by plugins
Method Signature *play(self, game_agent_class_name=None, frame_handler=None, *kwargs)
Try to find an active plugin for game_agent_class_name and instantiate it. Start a frame grabber process with the game window geometry. Wait for the first frames to appear in the frame grabber's stack. Start passing game frames in a loop to the game agent's frame handler matching frame_handler.
- game_agent_class_name: The class name of the GameAgent that should be instantiated. Must be an active plugin.
- frame_handler: The name of a registered frame handler in the GameAgent instance. Optional. Falls back on the value in config/config.plugins.yml
- **kwargs: Bag of extra arguments that are passed down to the GameAgent when instantiating it.
This method CANNOT be overwritten by plugins
Method Signature before_launch(self)
Block of code to run before the game is launched.
This method CAN be overwritten by plugins
Method Signature after_launch(self)
Block of code to run after the game is launched. The base implementation of this method will set the self.is_launched
flag, wait for the game to launch and locate the game window and store its geometry information.
This method CAN be overwritten by plugins but a call to super().after_launch() is required