Linux Installation guide - nanpuhaha/SerpentAI GitHub Wiki

Installing Serpent.AI on Linux platforms should be relatively easy. This install guide was built and tested against Antergos (Arch-based) but should work on all other distros with minimal changes. Distro-specific gotcha contributions to this page are encouraged.

Initial Requirements

  • A X11-Based Desktop Environment (sorry Wayland; for now) - Serpent.AI was Developed on Cinnamon DE
  • The xwininfo command, installed in Arch based distros like this (as superuser)
    • pacman -S xorg-xwininfo

Python Environment

Python 3.6+

Serpent.AI was developed taking full advantage of Python 3.6 so it is only natural that the Python requirement be for versions 3.6 and up.

If your system Python meets this requirement (likely on Arch-based distros; unlikely on others) you are free to use it but it is recommended to use a Python version management system (like pyenv) along with a proper VirtualEnv. That way, if manage to break your Python somehow, you won't also break system tools that depend on it.

This section will assume the use of pyenv. Installing and setting up pyenv is beyond the scope of the guide but it can be achieved easily with pyenv-installer.

Installing Python 3.6

pyenv install 3.6.4 (or a more recent version, if applicable)

On Debian-based systems, if the Python build fails, try the following first:

sudo apt-get install libexpat1-dev libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libbz2-dev liblzma-dev libsqlite3-dev libffi-dev tcl-dev libgdbm-dev libreadline-dev tk tk-dev openssl (Python build dependencies)

Creating a VirtualEnv for Serpent.AI

pyenv virtualenv 3.6.4 serpent (serpent can be replaced with another name)

Creating a directory for your Serpent.AI projects

mkdir SerpentAI && cd SerpentAI

Assigning the VirtualEnv to the directory

pyenv local serpent

This will create a .python-version file that will automatically set the active VirtualEnv upon entering the directory

3rd-Party Dependencies


Redis is used in the framework as the in-memory store for the captured frame buffers as well as the temporary storage of analytics events. Minimum version is 3.0.0.

You can (likely) install Redis from your package manager (Arch-based: redis, Debian-based: redis-server), run it in a Docker container or install it from source.

Once it is installed, you can verify it is up and running properly by executing redis-cli. Note that this won't work with the Docker container approach but if your container is running, you are good to go! If redis-cli gives you a Connection refused error, you probably have to start the redis server systemd service. See for details for Arch based distros.

Native installs are favored over Docker containers for performance reasons.

Installing Serpent.AI

Once all of the above had been installed and set up, you are ready to install the framework.

Go back to the directory you created earlier for your Serpent.AI projects. Your VirtualEnv should switch automatically.

Run pip install SerpentAI

Then run serpent setup to install the remaining dependencies automatically.

You are now done with the installation on Linux!

Installing Optional Modules

In the spirit of keeping the initial installation on the light side, some specialized / niche components with extra dependencies have been isolated from the core. It is recommended to only focus on installing them once you reach a point where you actually need them. The framework will provide a warning when a feature you are trying to use requires one of those modules.


A module to provide OCR functionality in your game agents.


Serpent.AI leverages Tesseract for its OCR functionality. You can install Tesseract from your package manager (Arch-based: tesseract, Debian-based: tesseract-ocr). Language data is also required to have Tesseract return something. You can get language data from the package manager again (Arch-based: tesseract-data-eng, Debian-based: tesseract-ocr-eng). If you are planning to work with another language than English, make sure to also install the language data for it.

You can test your Tesseract installation by executing tesseract --list-langs.

On Debian-based distros, some system libraries will also be required when building the Python package: libtesseract-dev libleptonica-dev


Once you've validated that Tesseract has been properly set up, you can install the module with serpent setup ocr


A module to allow the visual debugger to run.


Kivy is the GUI framework used for the visual debugger in the framework. It is notorious for being rather difficult to get working properly. It is recommended to draw inspiration from if you get errors while trying to install / use it.


Once you are ready to test your Kivy, you can install the module with serpent setup gui and try to run serpent visual_debugger


A module to leverage various machine learning solutions that are packaged with the framework.

Tensorflow GPU Dependencies (Optional)

You only need to install the following dependencies if:

  • Your game agents will leverage deep neural networks like CNNs and RNNs and you want to get top performance from Tensorflow


  • You have an NVIDIA GPU that supports CUDA 3.0+ (Generally the GTX 600 series and up)
NVIDIA Drivers

Before installing any other dependencies, you need to make sure you are running on NVIDIA's proprietary drivers for your GPU. One easy way to test this is to run nvidia-smi. If you get no errors and see a driver version, you can skip to the next block.

Arch-Based Systems

The easiest way to install the drivers is probably through the package manager. You should install the following packages: nvidia & nvidia-installer. Optionally: nvidia-settings & nvidia-utils. Make sure the xf86-video-nouveau package is not installed as it will conflict with the drivers.

Run nvidia-installer and follow the on-screen instructions.

Debian-Based Systems
  1. Enter the TTY (Ctrl + Alt + F1)
  2. Run sudo apt-get purge nvidia-*
  3. Run sudo apt-add-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
  4. Run sudo apt-get update
  5. Run sudo apt-get install nvidia-384
  6. Run sudo reboot
Arch-Based Systems

Install the following package: cuda.

Debian-Based Systems

Run sudo apt-get install nvidia-cuda-dev nvidia-cuda-toolkit nvidia-nsight (Ubuntu 17.04)

Arch-Based Systems

Install the following package: cudnn.

Debian-Based Systems
  1. Make an account on
  2. Visit
  3. Download cuDNN v6.0 Library for Linux
  4. Go to the file in the Terminal and run tar -xvzf cudnn-8.0-linux-x64-v6.0.tgz
  5. Run sudo mv cuda /usr/local/
  6. Add export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/lib64/ to .bashrc and source it.


Once you've taken care of the dependencies, you can install the module with serpent setup ml