Community Showcase - nanpuhaha/SerpentAI GitHub Wiki
Feel free to edit this page to add links to GitHub repositories containing your Serpent.AI plugins. Let's stick to alphabetical order for structure.
Add your plugins using the following format:
[Game Image]
<user>/<repo>: <optional_short_description>
- Martyn0324/SerpentJigoku_kisetsukanGamePlugin: Bullet Hell game
- Martyn0324/SerpentBullet_HeavenGamePlugin: Yet another bullet hell, Bullet Heaven 2.
SerpentAI/SerpentAIsaacGameAgentPlugin: Learning to beat Monstro. Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO).
d0p3t/SerpentCloneyGameAgentPlugin: (WIP) Flappybird type game using object detection for bot play and DDQN for self learning. Currently discontinued due to game-breaking bug
d0p3t/SerpentOLDTVGameAgentPlugin: (WIP) Heavy use of OCR. Developed with macOS + Tensorflow CPU
d0p3t/SerpentTiamatXGameAgentPlugin Side-scrolling Space Shooter using DDQN + PER
Martyn0324/SerpentNimbleAngelGameAgentPlugin: Uses continuous mouse inputs(like MOVE command) to dodge projectiles.