The Game Plugin - nanpuhaha/SerpentAI GitHub Wiki

The Game plugin is meant to represent a game-specific extension of the base Game class.

What's in a Game Plugin Package?

  • A plugin definition file
  • A game-specific Game subclass
  • A game-specific GameAPI subclass
  • Bundled game sprites

What's in a Game Subclass?

This subclass is lean by design; Most of the critical functionality is provided by the parent Game class. Here is what is to be provided:

  • An import and assignment to self.api_class of the GameAPI subclass in the constructor
  • self.platform, self.window_name and other keyword argument assignments before the call to super().__init__()
  • A property containing a mapping of all coordinates for screen regions of interest. Example:
    def screen_regions(self):
        regions = {
            "MAIN_MENU_NEW_GAME": (626, 348, 708, 428),
            "MAIN_MENU_LOAD_GAME": (626, 429, 708, 510),
            "MAIN_MENU_MULTIPLAYER": (626, 511, 708, 592),
            "MAIN_MENU_GAME_TOOLS": (626, 593, 708, 674),
            "MAIN_MENU_QUIT": (704, 983, 768, 1023),
            "MAIN_MENU_SCENARIO_TAB_RCT": (234, 148, 267, 239),
            "MAIN_MENU_SCENARIO_TAB_RCT_CF": (234, 239, 267, 330),
            "MAIN_MENU_SCENARIO_TAB_RCT_LL": (234, 330, 267, 421),
            "MAIN_MENU_SCENARIO_TAB_RCT2": (234, 421, 267, 512),
            "MAIN_MENU_SCENARIO_TAB_RCT2_WW": (234, 512, 267, 603),
            "MAIN_MENU_SCENARIO_TAB_RCT2_TT": (234, 603, 267, 694),
            "MAIN_MENU_SCENARIO_TAB_RCT_RP": (234, 694, 267, 785),
            "MAIN_MENU_SCENARIO_TAB_RCT_OP": (234, 785, 267, 876),
            "GAME_PAUSE_BUTTON": (0, 0, 27, 30),
            "GAME_SPEED_BUTTON": (0, 30, 27, 60),
            "GAME_FLOPPY_BUTTON": (0, 60, 27, 90)

        return regions
  • A property containing OCR presets for different text block types in the game. Example:
    def ocr_presets(self):
        presets = {
            "SCENARIO_TEXT": {
                "extract": {
                    "gradient_size": 3,
                    "closing_size": 10
                "perform": {
                    "scale": 16,
                    "order": 3,
                    "horizontal_closing": 1,
                    "vertical_closing": 1

        return presets

You are free to implement more custom instance methods; they will be callable from a game agent since they hold a reference to an instance of this subclass.

If the game has special extra steps that need to be taken during the launch process, you can extend the self.before_launch and/or self.after_launch callbacks. Don't forget the calls to super() though, the callbacks are meant to be extended, not overridden!

What's in a GameAPI Subclass?

This is where the bulk of the development work will happen in a Game plugin. It is a totally freeform class where you are expected to implement reusable functions to perform deterministic operations in the game or with the game data.

The file's location is: files/api/


Since your Game API can grow to be quite large, it is possible to namespace your functions for better organization. It was debated whether or not to use submodules or nested classes to provide such namespacing, and in the end, nested classes won. They aren't as pretty and as pythonic as submodules, but require way less intervention from the developer and are easier to explain.

A Game API created by generating a Game plugin using serpent generate game will have provide an example of how to namespace your functions.

Example Functions

  • Performing the UI operations to start a new game
  • Performing the UI operations to select a level
  • Reading values from the HUD
  • Locating game sprites

Your GameAPI functions can exist

How are Game Sprites Bundled?

To properly bundle sprites along with your Game plugin, you should add them to the files/data/sprites directory. The PNG format is expected for all sprites. Alpha channels and animated sprites are supported.

Naming Convention

A naming convention has been established for game sprites. While optional, it is recommended to take advantage of it since all sprites adhering to it will automatically be discovered, labeled and registered by the Game class at runtime.



sprite_npc_priest_0.png will turn into a Sprite object with label SPRITE_NPC_PRIEST

sprite_npc_priest_1.png will append another frame of image data to existing Sprite object with label SPRITE_NPC_PRIEST

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