The InputController Class - nanpuhaha/SerpentAI GitHub Wiki
The InputController class is meant to be a gateway to sending game input in the Serpent.AI framework.
What's in a InputController Instance?
- Exposing basic and convenience keyboard inputs
- Exposing basic and convenience mouse inputs
Serpent.AI provides different backend options to be used with input controllers They are defined in the InputControllers enum:
: A backend that leverages the PyAutoGUI Python library. Default for Linux & macOS.InputControllers.NATIVE_WIN32
: A backend that leverages Windows' SendInput DLL function. Default for Windows.
If you want to override your platform's default backend, an entry needs to be added to your Game plugins:
class SerpentNuclearThroneGame(Game, metaclass=Singleton):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
kwargs["platform"] = "steam"
kwargs["input_controller"] = InputControllers.PYAUTOGUI # <= Specify your InputController backend here
kwargs["window_name"] = "Nuclear Throne"
kwargs["app_id"] = "242680"
kwargs["app_args"] = None
self.api_class = NuclearThroneAPI
self.api_instance = None
Game Focus
Before dispatching inputs, an InputController instance will always make sure the game still has focus to prevent accidental inputs to other applications. If the game loses focus, the desired input will be cancelled.
MouseButton Enum
Whenever a mouse button is expected as an argument in a function, an item from the MouseButton enum should be passed:
: The left mouse buttonMouseButton.MIDDLE
: The middle mouse buttonMouseButton.RIGHT
: The right mouse button
If you plan to use mouse input, make sure to import the enum:
from serpent.input_controller import MouseButton
KeyboardKey Enum
When a keyboard key is expected as an argument in a function, an item from the KeyboardKey enum should be passed:
If you plan to use keyboard input, make sure to import the enum:
from serpent.input_controller import KeyboardKey
Keyboard Actions
Method Signature handle_keys(self, key_collection)
Compare set(key_collection)
to self.previous_key_collection_set
. Release keys that aren't there anymore and press new keys. Keep other keys pressed. Use this method for more human-like keyboard input.
- key_collection: A list of valid keyboard key values that should be pressed.
Method Signature tap_keys(self, keys, duration=0.05)
Press keys. Hold down for duration. Release keys.
- keys: A list of valid keyboard key values that should be tapped.
- duration: How long to hold the keys down (in seconds).
Method Signature tap_key(self, key, duration=0.05)
Press key. Hold down for duration. Release key.
- key: A valid keyboard key value that should be tapped.
- duration: How long to hold the keys down (in seconds).
Method Signature press_keys(self, keys)
Press keys.
- keys: A list of valid keyboard key values that should be pressed.
Method Signature press_key(self, key)
Press key.
- key: A valid keyboard key value that should be tapped.
Method Signature release_keys(self, keys)
Release keys.
- keys: A list of valid keyboard key values that should be released.
Method Signature release_key(self, key)
Release key.
- key: A valid keyboard key value that should be released.
Method Signature type_string(self, string, duration=0.05)
Type string characters with a duration interval between.
- string: A string of characters to type.
- duration: How long to wait before pressing the next character (in seconds).
Mouse Actions
Method Signature move(self, x=None, y=None, duration=0.25, absolute=True)
Move the mouse cursor to (x, y) over duration. If absolute is True, (x, y) refers to coordinates in pixels starting from the top left of the display, otherwise they are considered offsets from the current mouse cursor position.
- x: The X pixel coordinate.
- y: The Y pixel coordinate.
- duration: Time to take to move the cursor to (x, y) (in seconds).
- absolute: Whether to use absolute or relative coordinates.
Method Signature click_down(self, button=MouseButton.LEFT)
Press the mouse button corresponding to button.
- button: An item from the MouseButton enum.
Method Signature click_up(self, button=MouseButton.LEFT)
Release the mouse button corresponding to button.
- button: An item from the MouseButton enum.
Method Signature click(self, button=MouseButton.LEFT, duration=0.25)
Click the mouse button corresponding to button. The time between the press and release is defined by duration.
- button: An item from the MouseButton enum.
- duration: Time between press and release (in seconds).
Method Signature click_screen_region(self, button=MouseButton.LEFT, screen_region=None)
Move the mouse cursor to the center of screen_region and click using button.
- button: An item from the MouseButton enum.
- screen_region: Label of a valid screen region defined in the InputController's Game instance.
Method Signature click_sprite(self, button=MouseButton.LEFT, sprite=None, game_frame=None)
Attempt to locate sprite in game_frame. If found, click the center of the location using button
- button: An item from the MouseButton enum.
- sprite: A Sprite instance.
- game_frame: A GameFrame instance.
Method Signature click_string(self, query_string, button=MouseButton.LEFT, game_frame=None, fuzziness=2, ocr_preset=None)
Attempt to locate query_string in game_frame using OCR with ocr_preset. If a match within fuzziness is found, click the center of the location using button.
- query_string: The string to match in the game frame.
- button: An item from the MouseButton enum.
- game_frame: A GameFrame instance.
- fuzziness: Maximum Damerau–Levenshtein distance from the query string.
- ocr_preset: Label of a valid OCR preset defined in the InputController's Game instance.
Method Signature drag(self, button=MouseButton.LEFT, x0=None, y0=None, x1=None, y1=None, duration=0.25)
Drag using button from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1) over duration.
- button: An item from the MouseButton enum.
- x0: Initial X pixel coordinate.
- y0: Initial Y pixel coordinate.
- x1: Destination X pixel coordinate.
- y1: Destination Y pixel coordinate.
- duration: Time to take going from initial to destination pixel coordinates (in seconds).
Method Signature drag_screen_region_to_screen_region(self, button=MouseButton.LEFT, start_screen_region=None, end_screen_region=None, duration=0.25)
Drag using button from the center of start_screen_region to the center of end_screen_region over duration.
- button: An item from the MouseButton enum.
- start_screen_region: Label of a valid screen region defined in the InputController's Game instance.
- end_screen_region: Label of a valid screen region defined in the InputController's Game instance.
- duration: Time to take going from start to end screen regions (in seconds).
Method Signature scroll(self, clicks=1, direction="DOWN")
Scroll clicks going direction.
- clicks: Number of scroll clicks.
- direction: One of "UP", "DOWN"