BL2 Weapons Gear: Assault Rifles - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 2: Weapons/Gear: Assault Rifles
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(Sanity Check MKII (00TheMessiah00 remake), by Tsunami
A113V2, by smithxn
Adds Grenade Damage to The Seeker, by johnrr6
Ajax, by HumbleWaterSalesman
Ajax Ogre, by Alex
AK-12, by EdamameTV
AK-47, by Coleby
Avelyn, by Dashiku
Bastard - BL2, by Aaron0000
Battlefront, by Dashiku
Better Assault Rifles, by ZetaDaemon
BL2 Ogre, by EdamameTV
Black Widow, by WarMocK
Boom Puppy Buff, by johnrr6
BossNova, by Checometer
buffedscorpio, by saverius
BunnyRain, by HumbleWaterSalesman
Buster Carbine, by kunelsanders
Cat o' Nine Tails, by Aaron0000
Chomp, by silverxpenguin
Collaboration, by Juso
Commando, Scorpio replacement, by Laminatesnow
Cyborg, by Juso
Cyclops (Stomper), by B33PB00PJOE
DAHL-Earth Alliance, by Coleby
DAHLSilver, by Tsunami
Dalek, by Zma
Darlin' - BL2, by Aaron0000
Darwin, by Coleby
DecimatorV4, by Greem
Defense-Boosting Assault Rifle Accessory - BL2, by Aaron0000
Destroifier, by The_Wanderer_2.0
Disclaimer, by Greem
Doctor, by Zma
Draco - BL2, by Aaron0000
E.S.S.H.A.B.S.M, by Tsunami
EvilSmasher2, by johnrr6
Fangs of Terra, by EdamameTV
Final Judgement, by EdamameTV
Firecracker, by Dashiku
flamethrower, by ozay3444
Fusillade, by Aaron0000
GatlingHBV2, by 00Schmidt
Guerilla, by soze
Guerrilla, by silverxpenguin
Hail (Kitty), by Akathris
Hail_Arcless, by goldensun87
HeavyChaingun, by metalfokker
HeavyChaingunV4, by metalfokker
Heimdall, by theNocturni
Heimdall v3.1, by theNocturni
HWACHA, by ozay3444
if Axton was a gun, by Greem
Infernal Blaze, by EdamameTV
Influenza, by EdamameTV
Interchanger, by Dashiku
Interdictor, by silverxpenguin
Iron Bear, by Dashiku
Jakobs Clockwork Rifles, by Coleby
Killer Wasp, by Tifa
Kitten, by Greem
Kitten Buff, by silverxpenguin
Knavelyn, by GoldenGizzmo
L.O.V, by ozay3444
Lover, by Juso
Lubricated Spinigun Barrels - BL2, by Coleby
M392 DMR, by Akathris
Machine, by Juso
Madhous! Remastered, by Aaron0000
Marco Polo, by silverxpenguin
Medical Mystery Blaster Fix, by Aaron0000
Memoriam, by CzRSpecV
MontanaV2, by Ugyuu
Multi-Missile Launcher, by EdamameTV
Nightblood, by Rhysand
Not-Even-A-Quarter-Assed AjaxOgre, by Kazy
Ol' Painful, by Aaron0000
OMGWTF, by Greem
Oompa Loompa, by EdamameTV
Painbringer[Seeker Replacement], by Laminatesnow
Paparazzi, by GoldenGizzmo
patch (from Hivehand.txt) - BL2, by Jejjo
patch (from Terran.txt) - BL2, by Jejjo
Pentad, by EdamameTV
Powerhous[Seraphim Replacement], by Laminatesnow
Private[Veruc Replacement], by Laminatesnow
Puma, by EdamameTV
Quicksilver v1, by VariantLoki
Rapier With Life Steal, by goldensun87
Revolution - BL2, by Aaron0000
Roku, by AxxroyTovu
Sabre Rifle, by Kazy
Sasha - BL2, by Aaron0000
Scorpio Buff, by johnrr6
Seeker, by Greem
Serpens, by EdamameTV
Shikurian, by Dashiku
Shower, by EdamameTV
Sparrow - BL2, by Rhysand
Spinning Leaf, by Rhysand
Sputnik, by EdamameTV
The 00TheMessiah00, by Tsunami
The assault rifle that used to have someone's name on it, by Tsunami
The DOCTOR LEAD, by Tsunami
The katana, by ozay3444
The Mega Shaek, by ozay3444
The Terminator, by Tsunami
TheBlessing, by ozay3444
TheButterflyEffect, by ozay3444
TheForce, by ozay3444
TheMostOPModInExistence..., by Greem
Thunder, by EdamameTV
Tomcat, by Aaron0000
Unstoppable Force, by Juso
Vladof_Bloodletter, by Battle-Bee
WhiskeyFoxtrotV3, by Ugyuu
Wolf, by Dashiku
Xiphos, by Greem
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