Adds Grenade Damage to The Seeker - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: johnrr6
Last Updated: May 22, 2017
In Categories: Assault Rifles
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Adds Grenade Damage Bonus to The Seeker ##### (Thanks to the_Nocturni for assistance)
While Shadow's upgrades to The Seeker in the UCP have made it a MUCH more valuable still does not become viable enough for most charecters. But with this boost added to an Axton of Krieg, The Seeker will become one of the better AR's in the game. Copy and paste this at the beginning of Shadow's UCP
WARNING! ######## DO NOT use this code if you are going to use The Seeker with a Maya Character as the addition of Grenade Damage REMOVES the benefit of Reaper Splash damage on Maya with The Seeker.