CONFIGURATION: SENTRY V2 - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: Dr Dapper
Last Updated: April 22, 2017
In Categories: Assault Rifles
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This mod translates Overwatch Bastion's Configuration: Sentry as a gun in Borderlands 2. If you're unfamiliar with the concept, Configuration: Sentry is an immobile minigun with 300 bullets per clip that has no recoil but can't headshot, as well as providing damage resistances while active
This mod replaces the Chopper Assault Rifle.
To compensate for the huge DPS, the gun's crits do not do additional damage, though they can be boosted by skills like Headsh0t and Mind's Eye, though they can also be further nerfed by Pain is Power.
This gun also makes you almost completely immobile while you hold it. Unlike the crit reduction, the movement speed reduction is too low to be compensated for by movement speed buffs.
From what I can tell thus far, the damage resistance doesn't seem to be working
This was suprisingly fun to make. If the reception on this is good, I can port other guns over to BL2 as well. In fact, this is probably one of the harder OW guns to emulate.
V2.0: Adds a "New" Skin to the gun. In reality, this skin is just the green tediore pistol skin plastered on to this gun, but the color scheme was exactly what I would've gone with if I made it myself, so I decided to go the easy way. Also, slight damage increase over 1.0