(Sanity Check MKII (00TheMessiah00 remake) - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki

(Sanity Check MKII (00TheMessiah00 remake)

Author: Tsunami

Last Updated: July 17, 2019

In Categories: Assault Rifles

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Description (from inside mod)

The Sanity Check (MKII Remake of 00The Messiah00)
Replaces Hail

Once again breaking the personal record of most coded weapons
this gun has 24564 characters of code, previous record was 10985, on 00TheMessiah00

This gun probably breaks the record on Github of Longest description ever

This is a SMG/Assault Rifle/Sniper/Shotgun/Machine Gun/Grenade Launcher

Boosted firerate
Boosted damage
Boosted accuracy
Boosted reload speed
Boosted shot velocity
Boosted enquip and unenquip time
Fires three projectiles per shot
Shots bypasses shields
Explosions does not bypass shields (Only direct hits from projectile does)
Triple shot firing pattern
Shots drops down over time
Shots split twice over time
Shots split over time will release a small nuke explosion (With no elemental)
Shots ricochet up to 15 times
Shots split in three on ricochet
Ricochet split shots does not ricochet again
Ricochet split shots also explode same as main projectile
0.01% of damage dealt will heal player
No ammo consumption
Fast ammo regeneration (Even though it has no ammo consumption)
Final impact releases a slag, shock, corrosive, incendiary explosion (Will not explode on ricochet, unless with close enough)
Final impact explosion has 100% chance to apply slag, shock, incendiary, corrosive status damage
Doubles shield capacity
Doubles shield regeneration rate
-50% Shield recharge delay
Doubles health capacity
Doubles health regeneration rate
-50% Corrosive Impact, Shock Impact, Incendiary Impact, Amp Impact,Explosive Impact, Normal Impact damage taken
-100% Corrosive, Shock, Amp, Incendiary Status damage taken
Triples movement speed

[When Scoped]
Fires a high velocity projectile
Does x30 damage
Slow firerate
Higher accuracy
Costs 15 ammo per shot (Can cause you to run out of ammo fast if you keep using this)
Ammo does not regenerate
No movement slowdown
Shots doesn't split over time
Shots does not drop down over time
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