Shikurian - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: Dashiku
Last Updated: June 25, 2017
In Categories: Assault Rifles
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Shikurian - Replaces the Rapier
Breaks the Hail (Needed a firingmode and child bullet)
My own personal gun. This is what i want out of a gun
- Is awesome
- Has adaptive bullets that change element depending on what you shoot (doesnt work for everything sadly)
- Has both grenade AND reaper splash, it adapts to the user as well.
- After a kill you get 4 seconds of lifesteal
- Found new Damage surface called DMGSURFACE_Generic. This means i could update my adaptive bullet even more. It now deals explosive dmg to this generic surface.
- Spindown duration has been upped to 20 seconds from 7
- Lifesteal duration upped to 4 seconds from 2