Page Index - UQcsse3200/2024-studio-1 GitHub Wiki
158 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Welcome to the Beast Breakout Wiki!
- Game Design and Features
- Design
- Game Wiki
- Game Features
- Game Engine
- Core Systems
- Input and UI
- Game Elements
- Advanced Features
- Troubleshooting
- AI
- AI Task System
- Animal AI Implementation
- Animal Animations
- Animal Attack System
- Animal details
- Animal Health System
- Animal Overview
- Animal Tasks
- Animal Testing
- Animal Types
- Animations
- Art Influences
- Attack Effects
- Audio
- Audio Influences
- Beast Breakout
- Boss Room Dialogue System
- Buff items
- Buyable items
- Character achievements
- Character Animations
- Character Corpse
- Character Select Screen Animations
- Character's Health Bar
- Character's Inventory Display
- Components
- Concurrency & Threading
- Configuring Entities
- Controls
- Damage buff and speed stats UI
- Death screens for last attack animal
- Debug Terminal
- Design Document
- Difficulty selection from main menu
- Display Character's Inventory
- Door Factory and Door Call Back
- Emotional Goals
- Enhancement of Cutscene
- Enhancement of Setting page
- Enhancement of Settings
- Entities
- Entity Component System (ECS)
- Entity Spawner
- Event System
- Game Areas
- Game Screens
- GameArea and GameController
- GameAreaService
- Getting Started
- Health
- Held Inputs
- How To Play Menu
- Input Handling Overview
- Inventory
- Inventory System
- Item's interaction System with Key bindings
- Items
- Items key methods
- Items structure
- Level Connections
- Level Design
- Level Map
- Loaded Factory
- Loading Resources
- Loading State of the character
- Logging
- macOS Setup Guide
- MaingameLevel Factory
- Map builder & Exporter
- Map Saving and Loading
- MAP system
- Map Testing
- Menu design
- Mini Map System
- NameComponent
- New screens
- NPC Configuration
- Pause And Resume functionality
- Pets
- Physics
- Player
- Player (and other NPC) invincibility frames
- Player Experience and Strategies
- Player interaction with item
- Player selection
- Playing, changing and stopping music
- Projectile
- Projectile Animations
- Projectile Attack
- Projectile Configs
- Projectile Structure
- Projectile Test
- ProjectileActions
- Projectiles
- RandomService
- Refactor the PlayerFactory
- Room System
- Saving Loading Feature
- Saving the Character
- Saving‐Loading Feature
- Scoring System
- Selection for Players
- Service Locator
- Settings
- Sound effects
- Starting the game
- StaticScreen
- Storyline
- Terrain
- Test Plan for FiringController
- Test Plan for KeyMapping
- Test Plan for Minimap
- Test Plan for NPC Room and Gambling Room
- Test Plan for Saving Character State
- Test Plan for Scoring System
- Testing plan for buyable items
- Testing Plan for ConcreteMeleeWeapon component
- Testing Plan for ConcreteRangedWeapon
- Testing Plan for Inventory system
- Testing Plan for Item Usage Functionality
- Testing plan for items
- Testing Plan for Player's UI ‐ Manual testing
- Testing Plan for Position Tracker
- Testing Plan for Range Detection Component
- Testing plan for ROOM class
- Testing Plan for Weapon Component
- Testing Plan for Weapon Factory
- Testing Plan for WeaponAnimationController component
- Testing Planning for create two characters for selection
- Testing Planning for Loading system
- Testing Planning for Weapon Factory
- UI
- Unit Testing
- Usable items
- Usable Items key methods
- Using the Input System
- Weapon details
- Weapon Stats Display
- Weapon Structure
- Weapon Types
- Weapons