AI Task System - UQcsse3200/2024-studio-1 GitHub Wiki


The AI task system controls NPC behaviors in the game using a priority-based approach to decide which task an NPC should execute at any given time.


The AITaskComponent is the core of the AI system. It manages a list of PriorityTasks and selects which task to execute based on their priorities.

public class AITaskComponent extends Component {
  private final List<PriorityTask> priorityTasks = new ArrayList<>();
  private PriorityTask currentTask;
  // ...

Key functionalities:

  • Adding Tasks: Tasks are added to the AI component, each with its own priority.
  • Task Selection: On each update, the AI component selects the task with the highest priority.
  • Task Switching: If a new task has a higher priority than the current one, the AI component switches to the new task.

PriorityTask Interface

All tasks implement the PriorityTask interface:

public interface PriorityTask {
  int getPriority();
  void start();
  void update();
  void stop();
  • Dynamic Priorities: Task priorities can change based on game conditions.
  • Negative Priority: A negative priority indicates that the task should not be run.

Task Selection and Execution Logic

The AITaskComponent uses the following logic:

  1. Task Selection:

    • Get the priority of each task
    • Select the task with the highest priority
  2. Task Execution:

    • If the selected task is different from the current task:
      • Stop the current task
      • Start the new task
    • Update the current task

UML Diagrams

Class Diagram

    class AITaskComponent {
        -List~PriorityTask~ priorityTasks
        -PriorityTask currentTask

    class PriorityTask {
        +getPriority() int

    class ConcreteTask {
        -int priority
        +getPriority() int

    AITaskComponent o-- PriorityTask
    PriorityTask <|.. ConcreteTask


This diagram shows the main components of the AI Task System:

  • AITaskComponent: Manages and executes tasks
  • PriorityTask: Interface for all tasks
  • ConcreteTask: An example of a specific task implementation

Sequence Diagrams

Task Selection

    participant AITaskComponent
    participant PriorityTask

    AITaskComponent->>AITaskComponent: update()
    AITaskComponent->>AITaskComponent: getHighestPriorityTask()
    loop for each task
        AITaskComponent->>PriorityTask: getPriority()
        PriorityTask-->>AITaskComponent: priority
    Note over AITaskComponent: Select highest priority task


This diagram illustrates how the AITaskComponent selects the highest priority task.

Task Execution

    participant AITaskComponent
    participant CurrentTask
    participant NewTask

    alt new task != current task
        AITaskComponent->>CurrentTask: stop()
        AITaskComponent->>AITaskComponent: changeTask(newTask)
        AITaskComponent->>NewTask: start()
    AITaskComponent->>NewTask: update()


This diagram shows how the AITaskComponent switches to and executes a new task.


For a detailed overview of all available tasks, refer to the Animal Tasks page.

⬅ Back to Animal Overview

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