Testing plan for items - UQcsse3200/2024-studio-1 GitHub Wiki

The purpose of this plan is to test the basic functionality of all four items, through testing of the their 'get()' methods extending from the UsableItem and BufItem classes, as well as testing methods that 'apply to' or 'affect' the player. Such methods are unique to each item.

Test Environment

  • Framework: JUnit 4

Test Cases - Testing 'get()' methods of all items

1. Retrieving name of the item

  • Purpose: To verify that the name of the specific item is correctly returned
  • Test methods: testGetName() and getNameTest()
  • Expected outcome: The name retrieved using the getName() method should correctly return the name of the item

2. Retrieving the specific specification of the item

  • Purpose: To verify that the specific specification of the item is correctly returned
  • Test methods: testGetItemSpecification() and getItemSpecificatonTest()
  • Expected outcome: The string retrieved using the getItemSpecification() and getBuffSpecification()method should correctly return the specification associated with item (eg. "bandage")

3. Retrieving the full specification of the item

  • Purpose: To verify that the full specification of the item is correctly returned
  • Test methods: testGetSpecification() and getSpecificationTest()
  • Expected outcome: The string retrieved using the getSpecification() method should correctly return the full specification associated with item (eg. "item:bandage" or buff:armor)

4. Retrieving the type of the buff item

  • Purpose: To verify that the type of the buff item is correctly returned
  • Test methods: getTypeTest() in EnergyDrinkTest
  • Expected outcome: The Type returned by this method should be the Type.BUFF_ITEM

Test Cases - Testing unique 'get()' methods of certain classes

1. Retrieving the Energy Drink speed vector

  • Purpose: To verify that the correct speed vector is returned
  • Test methods: getSpeedTest() in EnergyDrinkTest
  • Expected outcome: The vector retrieved using the getSpeed() method should correctly return the speed vector associated with this Energy Drink type

2. Retrieving the maximum speed limit of the player

  • Purpose: To verify that the correct maximum speed boost is obtained
  • Test methods: maxSpeedTest() in EnergyDrinkTest
  • Expected outcome: The value retrieved using the getMaxTotalSpeedBoost() method of the PlayerActions class should correctly return the maximum speed boost (0.5%)

3. Retrieving the buff effect of the Damage Buff item

  • Purpose: To verify that the correct buff value was returned
  • Test methods: testGetBuff() in DamageBuffTest
  • Expected outcome: The value retrieved using the getBuuf() method should correctly return the buff effect value (5)

4. Retrieving the base Damage Buff value applied to the player (before any buff items are applied)

  • Purpose: To verify that the initial, starting Damage Buff value applied to the player is correctly returned
  • Test methods: testBaseDamageBuff() in DamageBuffTest
  • Expected outcome: The value retrieved using the getDamageBuff() method should correctly return the initial Damage Buff value (0)

5. Retrieving the effect that the armor would have on the player

  • Purpose: To verify that the correct armor value was returned
  • Test methods: testArmorItem() in ArmorTest
  • Expected outcome: The value retrieved using the getArmor() method should correctly return the armor effect value (10)

6. Retrieving the base armor value applied to the player (before any armor items are applied)

  • Purpose: To verify that the initial, starting armor value applied to the player is correctly returned
  • Test methods: testBaseEntityArmor() in ArmorTest
  • Expected outcome: The value retrieved using the getArmor() method should correctly return the initial armor value (0)

Test Cases - Testing methods that "apply to" or "affect" the player


1. Bandage effects

  • Purpose: To verify that the the apply() method of the Bandage increases the player's health by the expected amount and caps it at 100 when required.
  • Test methods: testApplyIncreasesHealth() and testApplyIncreasesHealthFromZero()in BandageTest
  • Expected outcome: The setHealth method from the combatStatsComponent should be called with the expected Health for both the functions testApplyIncreasesHealth() and testApplyIncreasesHealthFromZero().

Bear Trap

1. Bear Trap effects

  • Purpose: To verify that the apply() method of the Bear Trap correctly spawns a Bear Trap entity at the player's current position.
  • Test methods: testApplySpawnsBearTrap() (commented out in the provided test code but will test this in sprint 4).
  • Expected outcome: The spawnEntityAt method from GameAreaService should be called with the Bear Trap entity and the player's current position as the spawn location.

Divine Potion

1. Divine potion Health Boost

  • Purpose: Verify that the Boost() method correctly increases the player's health by the specified amount, but does not exceed the player's maximum health.
  • Test methods: testDivinePotionBoostHealth()
  • Expected outcome: The player's health is increased by potionBoost, but does not exceed the maximum health. The setHealth() method of CombatStatsComponent should be called with the expected new health value.

2. Speed Boost with Max Speed Limit

  • Purpose: Test that the speed() method boosts the player's speed, but caps it at the maximum allowed speed if the new speed exceeds the limit.
  • Test methods: testSpeedBoostWithMaxSpeedLimit()
  • Expected outcome: The player's speed should be capped at 6f in both directions (x and y). The speed percentage should also be capped at 1.0f, and an event should be triggered to update the UI with this capped speed.

3. Speed Boost Below Max Speed

  • Purpose: Verify that the speed() method increases the player's speed by a fixed boost amount when the current speed is below the maximum speed limit.
  • Test methods: testSpeedBoostBelowMaxSpeed()
  • Expected outcome: The player's speed should increase by .25f in both x and y directions, and the new speed percentage should be updated accordingly (from 0.5f to 0.75f). An event should be triggered to update the UI with the new speed percentage.


1. Heart item effects

  • Purpose: To verify that the effect() method of the Heart item increases the player's maximum health by the expected amount.
  • Test methods:testHeartIncreasesMaxHealth()
  • Expected outcome: The setMaxHealth() method from CombatStatsComponent should be called with the new maximum health value, which is the sum of the player's current maximum health and the health increase. The value should not exceed the defined maximum limit (150).


1. Medkit effects

  • Purpose: To verify that the the apply() method of the Medkit increases the player's health by the expected amount and caps it at 100 when required.
  • Test methods: testApplyIncreasesHealth() and testApplyIncreasesHealthFromZero() in MedkitTest
  • Expected outcome: The setHealth() method from the combatStatsComponent should be called with the expected Health for both the functions testApplyIncreasesHealth() and testApplyIncreasesHealthFromZero().

Shield potion

1. Shield potion effects

  • Purpose: To verify that the the apply() method of the shield potion works as expected
  • Test methods: testApply(), testNegateHit(), testNegateHitWhenInactive() in ShieldPotionTest
  • Expected outcome: In the first test, the number of charges should be 0 before application, and 2 after applying the potion. In the second test, upon triggering the "hit" event after applying the potion, the number of charges should decrease. In the third test, upon triggering the "hit" event when the potion has not been applied, the number of charges should still remain 0.


1. Syringe effects

  • Purpose: To verify that the effect() method of the Syringe increases the player's health by the expected amount.
  • Test methods: testSyringeIncreaseHealth() in SyringeTest
  • Expected outcome: The addHealth() method from the combatStatsComponent should be called with the correct boost value and final health should be equal to expected health after Syringe is applied.

Energy drink

1. Basic energy drink effects

  • Purpose: To verify that the energy drink correctly updates the player's speed, as well as calculates the correct speed boost to update the UI with
  • Test methods: effectTest()in EnergyDrinkTest
  • Expected outcome: Before applying the effect() method of the energy drink on the entity (representing the player), the player's initial speed should be the base speed (defined to be Vector2(3f, 3f) in the player config mocked during the setup()), and the initial speed boost (calculated using getSpeedProgressBarProportion) should be 0.0. After applying the effect, the player's speed and calculated speed boost should be updated to the expected amount.

2. Energy drink effects when speed is at its maximum limit

  • Purpose: To verify that the energy drink will not affect the player's speed or speed percentage (used for the UI) if their speed is already at a maximum
  • Test methods: effectTestMax()in EnergyDrinkTest
  • Expected outcome: The player's maximum speed is obtained using getMaxPlayerSpeed() of the PlayerActions class. Initially, the player's speed is set to this maximum. When the energy drink is applied using the effect() method, it is expected that the player's speed should be capped at the maximum speed. The maximum speed is expected to be 0.5% of the base speed + the base speed. Additionally, the speed boost (calculated using getSpeedProgressBarProportion) used for the UI should also be the maximum, which is 0.5.

Damage buff item

1. Application of the Damage Buff item to the player

  • Purpose: To verify that the effect method of the damage buff item correctly updates the damage buff of the player
  • Test methods: testDamageBuff()in DamageBuffTest
  • Expected outcome: After applying the damage buff item using the effect() method, the damage buff of the player should be updated to the correct amount (5). The damage buff of the player can be obtained using the getDamageBuff() method of the CombatStatsComponent class

2. Applying the Additional Damage Buff to the enemy

  • Purpose: To determine if the damage buff increases damage of the player when attacking enemies
  • Test methods: testAdditionalDamage() in DamageBuffTest
  • Expected outcome: After applying the buff to the player the victim should have health reduced to 90 instead of 95.

Armor item

1. Application of the armor to the player

  • Purpose: To verify that the effect method of the armor item correctly updates the armor value of the player
  • Test methods: testIncreaseEntityArmor()in ArmorTest
  • Expected outcome: After applying the armor item using the effect() method, the armor value of the player should be updated to the correct amount (10). The damage buff of the player can be obtained using the getArmor() method of the CombatStatsComponent class

2. Application of the armor to the player when damage from entities attackers

  • Purpose: To verify that after application, the armor correctly reduces damage from attackers
  • Test methods: testDamageNoArmor()and testDamageReduction() in ArmorTest
  • Expected outcome: The first test verifies that without armor, the health of the player should decrease (from 100 to 85) after a "hit" is induced by an attacker. The second test verifies that the with armor, the player's health should decrease by a smaller amount (from 100 to 87) after a "hit".
