Entity Spawner - UQcsse3200/2024-studio-1 GitHub Wiki

The EntitySpawner class is responsible for generating and placing animals and items throughout the map in the game. It manages the logic for determining where (and soon when) to spawn these entities through the index generated by the seed provided to it.

Key Component

Static variables

  • random number generator: in charges of randomizing a number based on the given for randomizing uses in the class
  • gameArea: the current gameArea (or the current room)
  • npcFactory: the NPCFactory in charge of creating the animals
  • animals: a List<List> contains the sequence of animals for each index
  • items: a List<List> contains the sequence of items for each index

Public functions

  • setGameArea(): set the current game area, usually called when a room is created
  • addAnimalGroups(): add a List of animals to the animals List<List>, serves to add custom animals sequence to the List
  • addItemGroups(): similar to addAnimalGroup() but for items.
  • spawnAnimalGroup(): spawns the group of animals based on the given index in animals
  • spawnItemGroup(): similar to spawnAnimalGroup() but for items

##Usage Firstly set the game area for the spawner


After that, we should add some components to the animals and items through their helper functions


Finally, call spawnAnimalGroup() and spawnItemGroup() (please note that in this picture indexes are set to 0 but they are intended to be set to animal_index and item_index)


UML Diagram


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