Usable Items key methods - UQcsse3200/2024-studio-1 GitHub Wiki

Key methods

Describing Item Effects on the Player

Bear Trap


spawnBearTrap(Entity entity): Spawns a bear trap entity at the player's current position using the DeployableItemFactory.

getName(): Returns the name of the bear trap item as a string ("Bear Trap").

getIcon(): Provides the texture for the bear trap's icon, used in the inventory or UI.

getItemSpecification(): Returns the specification identifier ("beartrap") for the bear trap item.

apply(Entity entity): Applies the bear trap to an entity by calling spawnBearTrap() to deploy the trap in the game world.

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create(): Registers the event listener for detecting collisions when the trap is initialized.

onCollisionStart(Fixture me, Fixture other): Handles collision events, applies damage to enemies, immobilizes them, and removes the trap after use.

isEnemy(Entity enemy): Determines if the colliding entity is an enemy (non-pet) by checking for specific AI task configurations.

markEntityForRemoval(Entity trap): Marks the trap entity for removal from the game after it has been used.

immobilizeEnemies(Entity enemy): Stops the tasks of the enemy entity and then restarts them after a set time (5 seconds) to simulate immobilization.

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  • Increases the player's health by a large boost of 100 and caps it at player's current maximum health when required.

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  • Uses setHealth() in to update health.


  • Increases the player's health by a small health boost of 20 and caps it at 100 when required.

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  • Uses setHealth() in to update health.

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  • Gives an instant boost of 50 to player and it does not care about the capping.

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  • It uses addHealth() in to increase health


  • Provides temporary immunity by negating the next two hits.

Big Red Button

  • This item's effect() instantly kills all enemies in the current room.


  • This item's effect() allows the player to instantly teleport to the boss room bypassing all other rooms



spawnRingFire(Entity entity): Spawns a ring of fire around the player's current position using the DeployableItemFactory.

getName(): Returns the name of the item as a string ("Gasoline").

getItemSpecification(): Returns the specification identifier ("gasoline").

apply(Entity entity): Spawns 12 different instances of the fire to form a ring.


Reroll item

Reroll creation

  • The reroll item is created using...
CollectibleFactory collectibleFactory = new CollectibleFactory()
Entity collectible = collectibleFactory.createCollectibleEntity("item:reroll")
//Creates a usable reroll item

Relevant classes

  • The class for a reroll item
  • Contains a method handleReroll() that handles the reroll item effect. It spawns another item in place of the other item in collision. The random newly spawned item is handled in the randomItemGenerator() method of this class.

Important features

  • Key presses: Unlike most UsableItems, the reroll item is "used" by pressing "R" when in collision with another item


This item is currently only tested manually.

Methods to Create Item Entities

Creating a collectible entity (returns Entity)

  • Use createCollectibleEntity(String specification) method in This method then creates a Collectible instance of an item based on the specification using the create() method of this class. If the string specifies an "item" or "buff", the create() method of the ItemFactory is called (see below for 'Creating a collectible item')
  • After the Collectible instance is obtained, the second createCollectibleEntity(String specification, Collectible collectible) method is called, which returns the Entity of this collectible item. This method also checks for "mystery" in the specification. If this is the case, then the TextureRenderComponent has the mystery box icon associated with that collectible and is otherwise the collectible icon. This method also checks for "buyable" in the specification. If this is the case, then it adds a BuyableComponent to this entity, with a default cost of 10.

Creating a collectible item (returns Collectible)

  • Uses create() method in This method checks that the item type specification is correct. It then calls upon the loadCreators() method of this class to create the items based on the specification.