Page Index - OpenPerpetuum/OPDB GitHub Wiki
56 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Index Pages
- How-To guides for common operations
- accountcampaignitems
- accountcreditqueue
- accountextensionbought
- accountextensionpenalty
- accountextensionspent
- accountonlinetime
- accountpremiumpackages
- accounts
- accounttransactionlog
- aggregatefields
- aggregatemodifiers
- aggregatevalues
- alliancemembers
- alliances
- artifactloot
- artifacts
- artifactspawninfo
- artifacttypes
- Assembly Reference
- attributeFlags
- beamassignment
- beams
- Database Schema
- decor
- decorcategory
- entities
- EntityDefault Spec Robots
- entitydefaults
- Manual
- materials
- mineralconfigs
- mininglog
- Module Balance
- news
- newscategories
- NPC Tables and hierarchy
- npcflock
- npcflockloot
- Perpetuum
- Perpetuum.ExportedTypes.AttributeFlags
- Quick Start
- settings
- startup_standalone
- steamkeys
- techlineincrement
- template_class
- template_dbtable
- template_enumerator
- template_method
- template_namespace
- TrainingExitStrategy starting nic, teleport exit options and customization
- vendorpresets
- vendors