1 |
techlineincrement |
??? |
2 |
settings |
General server settings. |
3 |
mininglog |
A log of all mining operations that has ever happened. |
4 |
packageitems |
??? |
5 |
steamkeyscomp |
??? |
6 |
corporationApplication |
??? |
7 |
corporationdocuments |
??? |
8 |
enablerextensions |
??? |
9 |
relays |
??? |
10 |
dynamiccalibrationtemplates |
??? |
11 |
extensionprerequire |
??? |
12 |
charactertransactions |
??? |
13 |
itemscore |
??? |
14 |
intrusionsapdeploylog |
??? |
15 |
ownerincome |
??? |
16 |
lootitems |
??? |
17 |
npcspawn |
NPC parent collection of npcpresences. Generally used to assign all npcs to zone. |
18 |
passablemappoints |
??? |
19 |
missiontargets |
??? |
20 |
extensioncategories |
??? |
21 |
techtree |
??? |
22 |
techlinemember |
??? |
23 |
channelbans |
??? |
24 |
extensionpointworklog |
??? |
25 |
minerals |
All raw materials |
26 |
techline |
??? |
27 |
artifacts |
??? |
28 |
artifactspawninfo |
??? |
29 |
terraformprojects |
??? |
30 |
bulletins |
A list of all corporation bulletins. Each bulletin's contents can be found in bulletinentries
31 |
extensionpoints |
??? |
32 |
mineralnodes |
??? |
33 |
robotassembler |
??? |
34 |
missiongrind |
??? |
35 |
pbstrash |
??? |
36 |
robotsetup |
??? |
37 |
foreignKeys |
??? |
38 |
facilitymap |
??? |
39 |
charactersparks |
??? |
40 |
cw_race |
??? |
41 |
vendorpresets |
??? |
42 |
missiontolocation |
??? |
43 |
missionparticipants |
??? |
44 |
productionlines |
??? |
45 |
characterhighscore |
??? |
46 |
teleportdescriptions |
??? |
47 |
paypal_transactions_history |
Literally what the name implies. (Contains a log of PayPal transactions for players buying ICE or Perpetuum Credits) |
48 |
effectcategories |
??? |
49 |
terraformprojectregistration |
??? |
50 |
view_itemresearchlevels |
??? |
51 |
view_prototypes |
??? |
52 |
insurance |
??? |
53 |
sparks |
??? |
54 |
paymentproducts |
??? |
55 |
defaultfieldscalculation |
??? |
56 |
transportassignments |
??? |
57 |
hardwareinfo |
??? |
58 |
corporationrolehistory |
??? |
59 |
techtreeunlockednodes |
??? |
60 |
accounts |
A table containing all personal account data. |
61 |
missionconstants |
??? |
62 |
runningproductionreserveditem |
??? |
63 |
marketaverageprices |
??? |
64 |
intrusionsitelog |
??? |
65 |
rarematerials |
??? |
66 |
techtreelog |
??? |
67 |
zoneentities |
??? |
68 |
corporations |
??? |
69 |
trainingrewards |
??? |
70 |
characterreimburselog |
??? |
71 |
missiontargettypes |
??? |
72 |
transportassignmentslog |
??? |
73 |
channels |
??? |
74 |
lotteryitemweights |
??? |
75 |
itemprices |
??? |
76 |
mineralconfigs |
Ore field spawn parameters |
77 |
missionspotinfo |
??? |
78 |
intrusionsitemessagelog |
??? |
79 |
techtreegroups |
??? |
80 |
charactermessages |
??? |
81 |
tiertypes |
Enumeration table for the types of tiers. |
82 |
missionstandingchange |
??? |
83 |
marketitems |
??? |
84 |
containerlog |
??? |
85 |
accountextensionbought |
??? |
86 |
entitytemplates |
??? |
87 |
techtreenodeprices |
??? |
88 |
intrusiondockingrightslog |
??? |
89 |
techtreepoints |
??? |
90 |
siegeitems |
??? |
91 |
vendorpresetvalues |
??? |
92 |
techtreepointtypes |
??? |
93 |
news |
Announcements/news |
94 |
components |
??? |
95 |
accountextensionspent |
??? |
96 |
npccontaineritems |
??? |
97 |
bulletinentries |
??? |
98 |
plantrules |
Associates plantrules.txt to zones |
99 |
countries |
??? |
100 |
npcrandomflockpool |
??? |
101 |
missionlog |
??? |
102 |
characternotes |
??? |
103 |
npcpoolpresetvalues |
??? |
104 |
slotFlags |
??? |
105 |
missionbonus |
??? |
106 |
decorcategories |
??? |
107 |
itemshoppresets |
Syndicate Shop 'templates' |
108 |
npcsafespawnpoints |
??? |
109 |
accountcampaignitems |
??? |
110 |
gameglobals |
??? |
111 |
calibrationdefaults |
Base CT defintions |
112 |
corporationtransactions |
??? |
113 |
hostconfig |
??? |
114 |
extensionsubscription |
??? |
115 |
itemshoplocations |
??? |
116 |
npcflock |
A collection of 1 type of npc |
117 |
missions |
??? |
118 |
campaigns |
??? |
119 |
traceips |
??? |
120 |
missionstartitem |
??? |
121 |
modulepropertymodifiers |
??? |
122 |
serverinfo |
??? |
123 |
corporationleave |
??? |
124 |
gang |
??? |
125 |
alliancemembers |
A table containing the membership status of corporations in alliances. |
126 |
zoneuserentities |
??? |
127 |
intrusionproductionstack |
??? |
128 |
npcpresence |
A collection of npcflocks |
129 |
campaigngoodiepacks |
??? |
130 |
savedeffects |
??? |
131 |
missionenterpoints |
??? |
132 |
pbslog |
??? |
133 |
intrusionproductionlog |
??? |
134 |
npcpoolpresets |
??? |
135 |
locktest |
??? |
136 |
accountcreditqueue |
??? |
137 |
corporationlog |
??? |
138 |
attributeFlags |
A enumeration table of attribute flags. |
139 |
vendors |
Markets |
140 |
missionrequiredextensions |
??? |
141 |
accountextensionpenalty |
??? |
142 |
beams |
A list of all beams in the game. |
143 |
accountredeemableitems |
??? |
144 |
missionissuer |
??? |
145 |
runningproduction |
??? |
146 |
missionrequiredstanding |
??? |
147 |
intrusioneffectlog |
??? |
148 |
corporationceotakeover |
??? |
149 |
robotsavedeffects |
??? |
150 |
yellowpages |
??? |
151 |
voteentries |
??? |
152 |
steamkeys |
??? |
153 |
icetracker |
??? |
154 |
robotfittingpresets |
??? |
155 |
giftloots |
??? |
156 |
itemshop |
Syndicate shops |
157 |
corporationnamehistory |
??? |
158 |
missionrewards |
??? |
159 |
sparkextensions |
??? |
160 |
categoryFlags |
??? |
161 |
randomView |
??? |
162 |
votes |
??? |
163 |
robottemplates |
NPC fitting defintions |
164 |
intrusionsaps |
??? |
165 |
intrusionloot |
??? |
166 |
corporationdocumentregistration |
??? |
167 |
markettaxlog |
??? |
168 |
missiontoagent |
??? |
169 |
gangmembers |
??? |
170 |
entitystorage |
??? |
171 |
zonesectors |
??? |
172 |
storeitems |
??? |
173 |
environmentdescription |
??? |
174 |
corporationhistory |
??? |
175 |
pbsreimburse |
??? |
176 |
effectdefaultmodifiers |
??? |
177 |
characterextensions |
??? |
178 |
missiontypes |
??? |
179 |
robottemplaterelation |
Association of NPC entitydefault and NPC robottemplate |
180 |
characternickhistory |
??? |
181 |
intrusionsitestabilitythreshold |
??? |
182 |
cw_corporation_extension |
??? |
183 |
traceroutelog |
??? |
184 |
missionpayoutlog |
??? |
185 |
extensionpointpenalty |
??? |
186 |
cw_school_extension |
??? |
187 |
mineralscan |
??? |
188 |
chassisbonus |
??? |
189 |
aggregatemodifiers |
Aggregatefield's that modify other aggFields (extension effects, etc.) |
190 |
missionrequiredmissions |
??? |
191 |
charactersocial |
??? |
192 |
missiontargetslog |
??? |
193 |
centralbanktransactions |
??? |
194 |
centralbanklog |
??? |
195 |
storecategories |
??? |
196 |
pollchoices |
??? |
197 |
cw_school |
??? |
198 |
polls |
??? |
199 |
insuranceprices |
??? |
200 |
mtproductprices |
??? |
201 |
extensionremovelog |
??? |
202 |
trainingartifacts |
??? |
203 |
missionagents |
??? |
204 |
cw_spark_extension |
??? |
205 |
cw_major |
??? |
206 |
entities |
A list of all Entities that are in the game, stored anywhere. |
207 |
cmails |
??? |
208 |
marketaveragesbycomponent |
??? |
209 |
cw_corporation |
??? |
210 |
entitydefaults |
Definitions of all Entities in the game. |
211 |
cw_spark |
??? |
212 |
definitionconfigunits |
??? |
213 |
aggregatefields |
Property attribute of an AggregateValue |
214 |
reimbursementlog |
??? |
215 |
cw_major_extension |
??? |
216 |
characterkillreports |
??? |
217 |
missionlocations |
??? |
218 |
effects |
??? |
219 |
killreports |
??? |
220 |
definitionconfig |
??? |
221 |
accountonlinetime |
A log of all accounts' last login/current playtime. |
222 |
combatlog |
??? |
223 |
plantdamagetype |
??? |
224 |
aggregatevalues |
Value of parameters of some Entitydefault |
225 |
intrusionsites |
??? |
226 |
npckills |
??? |
227 |
connectedips |
??? |
228 |
productionduration |
??? |
229 |
epforactivitylog |
??? |
230 |
accounttransactionlog |
??? |
231 |
missiontargetsarchive |
??? |
232 |
npcloot |
??? |
233 |
cw_race_extension |
??? |
234 |
pbsconnections |
??? |
235 |
standings |
??? |
236 |
itemresearchlevels |
??? |
237 |
pbsregisteredmembers |
??? |
238 |
npcflockloot |
??? |
239 |
nstemplates |
??? |
240 |
extensions |
??? |
241 |
corporationmembers |
??? |
242 |
decor |
A table defining all the decorations currently on the field. |
243 |
prototypes |
??? |
244 |
transportassignmenttimes |
??? |
245 |
accountpremiumpackages |
??? |
246 |
standinglog |
??? |
247 |
usercount |
??? |
248 |
artifactloot |
??? |
249 |
entitytrash |
??? |
250 |
nspoolmembers |
??? |
251 |
charactersettings |
??? |
252 |
newscategories |
??? |
253 |
alliances |
Megacorps |
254 |
productionlog |
??? |
255 |
nspools |
??? |
256 |
corporationdocumentconfig |
??? |
257 |
characternpcdeath |
??? |
258 |
pollanswers |
??? |
259 |
transactiontypes |
??? |
260 |
beamassignment |
A list of all active beams on the field |
261 |
nspoolrelation |
??? |
262 |
characters |
Contains all common/non-branched character information. |
263 |
channelmembers |
??? |
264 |
zones |
An enumeration table of the islands in the game. |
265 |
artifacttypes |
??? |
266 |
packages |
??? |
267 |
productiondecalibration |
??? |
268 |
charactersparkteleports |
??? |