Database Schema - OpenPerpetuum/OPDB GitHub Wiki


The Perpetuum database is stored into an MSSQL database found in <Data Root>\data\database.mdf.


There are 268 tables in the Database.

# Name Description
1 techlineincrement ???
2 settings General server settings.
3 mininglog A log of all mining operations that has ever happened.
4 packageitems ???
5 steamkeyscomp ???
6 corporationApplication ???
7 corporationdocuments ???
8 enablerextensions ???
9 relays ???
10 dynamiccalibrationtemplates ???
11 extensionprerequire ???
12 charactertransactions ???
13 itemscore ???
14 intrusionsapdeploylog ???
15 ownerincome ???
16 lootitems ???
17 npcspawn NPC parent collection of npcpresences. Generally used to assign all npcs to zone.
18 passablemappoints ???
19 missiontargets ???
20 extensioncategories ???
21 techtree ???
22 techlinemember ???
23 channelbans ???
24 extensionpointworklog ???
25 minerals All raw materials
26 techline ???
27 artifacts ???
28 artifactspawninfo ???
29 terraformprojects ???
30 bulletins A list of all corporation bulletins. Each bulletin's contents can be found in bulletinentries
31 extensionpoints ???
32 mineralnodes ???
33 robotassembler ???
34 missiongrind ???
35 pbstrash ???
36 robotsetup ???
37 foreignKeys ???
38 facilitymap ???
39 charactersparks ???
40 cw_race ???
41 vendorpresets ???
42 missiontolocation ???
43 missionparticipants ???
44 productionlines ???
45 characterhighscore ???
46 teleportdescriptions ???
47 paypal_transactions_history Literally what the name implies. (Contains a log of PayPal transactions for players buying ICE or Perpetuum Credits)
48 effectcategories ???
49 terraformprojectregistration ???
50 view_itemresearchlevels ???
51 view_prototypes ???
52 insurance ???
53 sparks ???
54 paymentproducts ???
55 defaultfieldscalculation ???
56 transportassignments ???
57 hardwareinfo ???
58 corporationrolehistory ???
59 techtreeunlockednodes ???
60 accounts A table containing all personal account data.
61 missionconstants ???
62 runningproductionreserveditem ???
63 marketaverageprices ???
64 intrusionsitelog ???
65 rarematerials ???
66 techtreelog ???
67 zoneentities ???
68 corporations ???
69 trainingrewards ???
70 characterreimburselog ???
71 missiontargettypes ???
72 transportassignmentslog ???
73 channels ???
74 lotteryitemweights ???
75 itemprices ???
76 mineralconfigs Ore field spawn parameters
77 missionspotinfo ???
78 intrusionsitemessagelog ???
79 techtreegroups ???
80 charactermessages ???
81 tiertypes Enumeration table for the types of tiers.
82 missionstandingchange ???
83 marketitems ???
84 containerlog ???
85 accountextensionbought ???
86 entitytemplates ???
87 techtreenodeprices ???
88 intrusiondockingrightslog ???
89 techtreepoints ???
90 siegeitems ???
91 vendorpresetvalues ???
92 techtreepointtypes ???
93 news Announcements/news
94 components ???
95 accountextensionspent ???
96 npccontaineritems ???
97 bulletinentries ???
98 plantrules Associates plantrules.txt to zones
99 countries ???
100 npcrandomflockpool ???
101 missionlog ???
102 characternotes ???
103 npcpoolpresetvalues ???
104 slotFlags ???
105 missionbonus ???
106 decorcategories ???
107 itemshoppresets Syndicate Shop 'templates'
108 npcsafespawnpoints ???
109 accountcampaignitems ???
110 gameglobals ???
111 calibrationdefaults Base CT defintions
112 corporationtransactions ???
113 hostconfig ???
114 extensionsubscription ???
115 itemshoplocations ???
116 npcflock A collection of 1 type of npc
117 missions ???
118 campaigns ???
119 traceips ???
120 missionstartitem ???
121 modulepropertymodifiers ???
122 serverinfo ???
123 corporationleave ???
124 gang ???
125 alliancemembers A table containing the membership status of corporations in alliances.
126 zoneuserentities ???
127 intrusionproductionstack ???
128 npcpresence A collection of npcflocks
129 campaigngoodiepacks ???
130 savedeffects ???
131 missionenterpoints ???
132 pbslog ???
133 intrusionproductionlog ???
134 npcpoolpresets ???
135 locktest ???
136 accountcreditqueue ???
137 corporationlog ???
138 attributeFlags A enumeration table of attribute flags.
139 vendors Markets
140 missionrequiredextensions ???
141 accountextensionpenalty ???
142 beams A list of all beams in the game.
143 accountredeemableitems ???
144 missionissuer ???
145 runningproduction ???
146 missionrequiredstanding ???
147 intrusioneffectlog ???
148 corporationceotakeover ???
149 robotsavedeffects ???
150 yellowpages ???
151 voteentries ???
152 steamkeys ???
153 icetracker ???
154 robotfittingpresets ???
155 giftloots ???
156 itemshop Syndicate shops
157 corporationnamehistory ???
158 missionrewards ???
159 sparkextensions ???
160 categoryFlags ???
161 randomView ???
162 votes ???
163 robottemplates NPC fitting defintions
164 intrusionsaps ???
165 intrusionloot ???
166 corporationdocumentregistration ???
167 markettaxlog ???
168 missiontoagent ???
169 gangmembers ???
170 entitystorage ???
171 zonesectors ???
172 storeitems ???
173 environmentdescription ???
174 corporationhistory ???
175 pbsreimburse ???
176 effectdefaultmodifiers ???
177 characterextensions ???
178 missiontypes ???
179 robottemplaterelation Association of NPC entitydefault and NPC robottemplate
180 characternickhistory ???
181 intrusionsitestabilitythreshold ???
182 cw_corporation_extension ???
183 traceroutelog ???
184 missionpayoutlog ???
185 extensionpointpenalty ???
186 cw_school_extension ???
187 mineralscan ???
188 chassisbonus ???
189 aggregatemodifiers Aggregatefield's that modify other aggFields (extension effects, etc.)
190 missionrequiredmissions ???
191 charactersocial ???
192 missiontargetslog ???
193 centralbanktransactions ???
194 centralbanklog ???
195 storecategories ???
196 pollchoices ???
197 cw_school ???
198 polls ???
199 insuranceprices ???
200 mtproductprices ???
201 extensionremovelog ???
202 trainingartifacts ???
203 missionagents ???
204 cw_spark_extension ???
205 cw_major ???
206 entities A list of all Entities that are in the game, stored anywhere.
207 cmails ???
208 marketaveragesbycomponent ???
209 cw_corporation ???
210 entitydefaults Definitions of all Entities in the game.
211 cw_spark ???
212 definitionconfigunits ???
213 aggregatefields Property attribute of an AggregateValue
214 reimbursementlog ???
215 cw_major_extension ???
216 characterkillreports ???
217 missionlocations ???
218 effects ???
219 killreports ???
220 definitionconfig ???
221 accountonlinetime A log of all accounts' last login/current playtime.
222 combatlog ???
223 plantdamagetype ???
224 aggregatevalues Value of parameters of some Entitydefault
225 intrusionsites ???
226 npckills ???
227 connectedips ???
228 productionduration ???
229 epforactivitylog ???
230 accounttransactionlog ???
231 missiontargetsarchive ???
232 npcloot ???
233 cw_race_extension ???
234 pbsconnections ???
235 standings ???
236 itemresearchlevels ???
237 pbsregisteredmembers ???
238 npcflockloot ???
239 nstemplates ???
240 extensions ???
241 corporationmembers ???
242 decor A table defining all the decorations currently on the field.
243 prototypes ???
244 transportassignmenttimes ???
245 accountpremiumpackages ???
246 standinglog ???
247 usercount ???
248 artifactloot ???
249 entitytrash ???
250 nspoolmembers ???
251 charactersettings ???
252 newscategories ???
253 alliances Megacorps
254 productionlog ???
255 nspools ???
256 corporationdocumentconfig ???
257 characternpcdeath ???
258 pollanswers ???
259 transactiontypes ???
260 beamassignment A list of all active beams on the field
261 nspoolrelation ???
262 characters Contains all common/non-branched character information.
263 channelmembers ???
264 zones An enumeration table of the islands in the game.
265 artifacttypes ???
266 packages ???
267 productiondecalibration ???
268 charactersparkteleports ???

Stored Procedures

# Name Description
1 startup_standalone Invoked by bootstrapper on init

Here's a template for the database table info pages.

Edit: Sick of the tables in the wrong order? Use this. (Requres TamperMonkey or any Userscript add-on.)

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️