entities - OpenPerpetuum/OPDB GitHub Wiki
A global inventory of everything in the game, stored in every bot, container or station.
An 'entity' is essentially an inventory 'item', or stack of item.
Table Structure
ID | Type | Name | Description | Properties | Links |
1 | Number | eid | An unique identifier for this particular entity. Should be generated with dbo.GetRandomEid() | PRIMARY | ??? |
2 | Number | defintion | The ID of the type of item. | entitydefaults.definition | |
3 | Number | owner | The owner of the entity. | characters.characterID ??? | |
4 | Number | parent | The eid (unique identifier) of the item that this item is a child of. |
entities.eid | |
5 | Float | health | The current health of the entity/damage | FOREIGN | |
6 | String | ename | The custom name for this entity, player-given. | ||
7 | Number | quantity | How many duplicates of this item exists in a stack (if stacked) | ||
8 | Boolean | Repackaged | Is the item repackaged | ||
9 | String | dynprop | GenXY string for dynamic properties. Examples tint/color, paint-wear, etc. |
Think of it as the stackables in Minecraft. How many Iron Ingots do you have in that one slot?
Could be additional properties about the items stored in a non-serialized format.
For example, bots would have fittings, resources would be the rarity, etc.
Its format are dual-fields separated by hashtags (each entry) and equal signs (pairwise). In the second/value column, it always begin with a letter defining its data type.
An example is:
Data Types
Letter | Data Type | Example |
t | Hexdecimal Value ??? | (Hex) ######## |
c | Color ??? | rr.gg.bb.aa |
Allowed Properties
Name | Description | Data Type |
armor | Repair State or current health ??? | Hexdecimal Value (t) ??? ??? |
decay | Paint decay modifier. 1.0 = Factory New, 0.0 = Battle Scarred, for a CS:GO comparison. | Hexdecimal Value (t) ??? |
currentcore | ??? | Hexdecimal Value (t) ??? |
tint | The color of the entity's tint (visual). Transparency is ignored. | Color (c) |