entities - OpenPerpetuum/OPDB GitHub Wiki


A global inventory of everything in the game, stored in every bot, container or station.
An 'entity' is essentially an inventory 'item', or stack of item.

Table Structure

ID Type Name Description Properties Links
1 Number eid An unique identifier for this particular entity. Should be generated with dbo.GetRandomEid() PRIMARY ???
2 Number defintion The ID of the type of item. entitydefaults.definition
3 Number owner The owner of the entity. characters.characterID ???
4 Number parent The eid (unique identifier) of the item that this item is a child of. entities.eid
5 Float health The current health of the entity/damage FOREIGN
6 String ename The custom name for this entity, player-given.
7 Number quantity How many duplicates of this item exists in a stack (if stacked)
8 Boolean Repackaged Is the item repackaged
9 String dynprop GenXY string for dynamic properties. Examples tint/color, paint-wear, etc.



Think of it as the stackables in Minecraft. How many Iron Ingots do you have in that one slot?


Could be additional properties about the items stored in a non-serialized format.
For example, bots would have fittings, resources would be the rarity, etc.

Its format are dual-fields separated by hashtags (each entry) and equal signs (pairwise). In the second/value column, it always begin with a letter defining its data type.

An example is:


Data Types

Letter Data Type Example
t Hexdecimal Value ??? (Hex) ########
c Color ??? rr.gg.bb.aa

Allowed Properties

Name Description Data Type
armor Repair State or current health ??? Hexdecimal Value (t) ??? ???
decay Paint decay modifier. 1.0 = Factory New, 0.0 = Battle Scarred, for a CS:GO comparison. Hexdecimal Value (t) ???
currentcore ??? Hexdecimal Value (t) ???
tint The color of the entity's tint (visual). Transparency is ignored. Color (c)