entitydefaults - OpenPerpetuum/OPDB GitHub Wiki
This table contains the definitions of every single item in the game.
An Entity is a 'thing' in the game. It can be an item, a prop, a model, or even a group of objects (ie. a bot; a group of models and items).
ID | Type | Name | Description | Properties | Links |
1 | Number | definition | This the unique ID for this item. It is essentially an enumerator. | PRIMARY, UNIQUE | Original |
2 | String | definitionName | The unique string ID for this item. | UNIQUE ??? | |
3 | Number | quantity | What is the standard market unit for this item? | ||
4 | Number | attributeflags | Item flags. | attributeFlags | |
5 | Number | categoryflags | ??? | categoryFlags | |
6 | String | options | A string containing all the extra attributes about an item. | ||
7 | String | note | Internal notes for said item. It's not used in-game. Mostly in Hungarian. | ||
8 | Boolean | enabled | Is the item enabled for use? | ||
9 | Number | volume | The area of in-game space that this object takes. | FOREIGN | |
10 | Number | mass | The in-game mass of the item. | FOREIGN | |
11 | Boolean | hidden | Is this item hidden from all inventories? | ||
12 | Number | health | The health of the item. | FOREIGN | |
13 | String | descriptiontoken | The localisation entry ID (on client) that contains this item's description. | ||
14 | Boolean | purchasable | Is this item purchasable/sellable on the market? ??? | ||
15 | Number | tiertype | What category of item does this belong to? | ||
16 | Number | tierlevel | The tech level of the item. | ||
17 | Object | aggregatevalues | ??? | FOREIGN | aggregatevalues |
18 | Object | beamassignment | ??? | FOREIGN | beamassignment |
// todo the rest.
It is a byte array that is casted straight into a number.
Information retrieved from Perpetuum.ExportedTypes.AttributeFlags.
There also appears to be a duplicate in the [attributeFlags](attributeFlags)
Digit | Value | Enum Name | Significance | On State | Off State |
1 | 1 | player | ??? | ??? | ??? |
2 | 2 | invulnerable | ??? | ??? | ??? |
3 | 4 | item | ??? | ??? | ??? |
4 | 8 | onePerRobot | ??? | ??? | ??? |
5 | 16 | activeModule | ??? | ??? | ??? |
6 | 32 | fittingCapacityModifier | ??? | ??? | ??? |
7 | 64 | offensive_module | ??? | ??? | ??? |
8 | 128 | engage_combat | ??? | ??? | ??? |
9 | 256 | self_effect | ??? | ??? | ??? |
10 | 512 | targetIsRobot | ??? | ??? | ??? |
11 | 1024 | nonStackable | |||
12 | 2048 | alwaysStackable | |||
13 | 4096 | gang_assist_module | ??? | ??? | ??? |
14 | 8192 | primary_locked_target | ??? | ??? | ??? |
15 | 16384 | self_target | ??? | ??? | ??? |
16 | 32768 | small | ??? | ??? | ??? |
17 | 65536 | medium | ??? | ??? | ??? |
18 | 131072 | large | ??? | ??? | ??? |
19 | 262144 | ammo_required | ??? | ??? | ??? |
20 | 524288 | passiveModule | ??? | ??? | ??? |
21 | 1048576 | gangEffect | ??? | ??? | ??? |
22 | 2097152 | forceOneCycle | ??? | ??? | ??? |
23 | 4194304 | nonrelocatable | ??? | ??? | ??? |
24 | 8388608 | deployable | ??? | ??? | ??? |
25 | 16777216 | consumable | ??? | ??? | ??? |
26 | 33554432 | delayed_modul | ??? | ??? | |
27 | 67108864 | pvp_support | ??? | ??? | ??? |
28 | 134217728 | nonlockable | ??? | ??? | |
29 | 268435456 | nonattackable | ??? | ??? | ??? |
30 | 536870912 | usable | ??? | ??? | ??? |
31 | 1073741824 | mainbase | ??? | ??? | ??? |
32 | 2147483648 | nonRecyclable | ??? | ??? | ??? |
It appears to be a 32-bit byte array. Its maximum value is 4,294,967,295
It appears that in the code, it's defined as a 64-bit array.
Digit | Value | Enum Name | Significance | On State | Off State |
33 | 4294967296 | instantActivate | ??? | ??? | ??? |
34 | 8589934592 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
35 | 17179869184 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
36 | 34359738368 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
37 | 68719476736 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
38 | 137438953472 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
39 | 274877906944 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
40 | 549755813888 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
41 | 1099511627766 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
42 | 2199023255552 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
43 | 4398046511104 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
44 | 8796093022208 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
45 | 17592186044416 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
46 | 35184372088832 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
47 | 70368744177664 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
48 | 140737488355328 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
49 | 281474976710656 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
50 | 562949953421312 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
51 | 1125899906842624 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
52 | 2251799813685248 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
53 | 4503599627370496 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
54 | 9007199254740992 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
55 | 18014398509481984 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
56 | 36028797018963968 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
57 | 72057594037927936 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
58 | 144115188075855872 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
59 | 288230376151711744 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
60 | 576460752303423488 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
61 | 1152921504606846976 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
62 | 2305843009213693952 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
63 | 4611686018427387904 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
64 | 9223372036854775808 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
Could be stored as a byte array and the casted directly into a number, or be an enumerator?
Digit | Value | Significance | On State | Off State |
1 | 1 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
2 | 2 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
3 | 4 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
4 | 8 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
5 | 16 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
6 | 32 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
7 | 64 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
8 | 128 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
9 | 256 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
10 | 512 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
11 | 1024 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
12 | 2048 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
13 | 4096 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
14 | 8192 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
15 | 16384 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
16 | 32768 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
17 | 65536 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
18 | 131072 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
19 | 262144 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
20 | 524288 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
21 | 1048576 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
22 | 2097152 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
23 | 4194304 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
24 | 8388608 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
25 | 16777216 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
26 | 33554432 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
27 | 67108864 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
28 | 134217728 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
29 | 268435456 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
30 | 536870912 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
31 | 1073741824 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
32 | 2147483648 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
This is an array of extra attributes, in the format of:
#<name>=<data type><value>
repeated for as many values as needed, for example:
May also be using \n
or line breaks in the definitions.
Letter | Data Type | Example |
n | Number (Integer) | 12345 |
f | Number (Float) | 0.12345 |
s | String | Hello World! |
c | Color, in (R, G, B, A) | 196,128,0,1.0 |
Field | Property | Type | Description |
Bots | head | Integer | EntityDefinition ID for the head object. |
Bots | chassis | Integer | EntityDefinition ID for the chassis object. |
Bots | leg | Integer | EntityDefinition ID for the leg object. |
Head/Chassis/Leg | slotFlags | Integer Array | ??? |
Head/Chassis/Leg | height | Float | The height of the the model ??? |
This is the type of item that this 'thing' is. It is the Perpetuum.ExportedTypes.TierType
Value | Description |
0 | Undefined |
1 | Normal |
2 | Prototype |
3 | Special |
Should only be 0, 1, 2 or 3.
Value | Description |
0 | Stock/Syndicate |
1 | Standard/Tier 1 |
2 | Tier 2 (Epriton-based products) |
3 | Tier 3 (Colixum-based products) |