Module Balance - OpenPerpetuum/OPDB GitHub Wiki

Modules seem to be (mostly) a combination of Aggregate Fields, values and modifiers.
(See: AggregateFields & AggregateValues & AggregateModifiers )

The AggregateField specifies the "field" or property to be modified.
The AggregateValue specifies for the "definition" (module id from entitiesdefaults) the "field" (property) and Value (the actual value of that property in real numbers!)
The AggregateModifiers show for every "base field" (the thing to be modified) what other "fields" (from aggragate fields) should be used to modify the base field. This includes things like extensions and other fields that are properties of potentially other items.

[perpetuumsa].[dbo].[aggregatemodifiers] [categoryflag] [basefield] [modifierfield]

[id] - index
[definition] - id from entityDefault
[field] - id to [aggregatefields]
[value] - real number of property (TODO unless modified by aggModifiers?!)