Page Index - OHDSI/Vocabulary-v5.0 GitHub Wiki
131 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- OHDSI Standardized Vocabularies
- News
- Introduction and OHDSI Vocabularies Principles
- Glossary
- General Structure, Download and Use
- The Vocabulary Team
- Community Contribution
- Roadmap
- Release Notes
- Upcoming Changes
- Quality Management System reports
- Domains
- Vocabularies
- Vocabulary Metadata
- Vocabulary Statistics
- Quality Assurance and Control
- Known Issues in Vocabularies
- Articles
- COVID-19 Vocabulary/ETL Instructions
- Historical Versions
- Articles
- Cancer Modifier. Staging and Grading
- Cancer_Modifier. Metastasis
- Common Data Environment (CDE) for OMOP Vocabularies mapping, harmonization and reuse
- Community contribution
- Community contribution: drug vocabularies
- Community contribution: non‐drug vocabularies p.I
- Community contribution: non‐drug vocabularies p.II
- Condition Domain
- Currency Domain
- Device Domain
- Domains
- Drug Domain
- Ethnicity Domain
- Gender Domain
- General Structure, Download and Use
- Glossary
- Historical Versions
- International Drug Vocabulary Implementation Process
- Introduction
- Known Issues in Vocabularies
- Measurement Domain
- News
- Ongoing tasks list
- Pre and Post coordination Modeling
- Quality Assurance and Control
- Quality Management System reports
- Release notes guide
- Release planning
- Releases
- Revenue Code
- Standard but deprecated (by the source) “zombie” concepts
- Standardized Vocabularies
- The Vocabulary Team
- Upcoming changes
- Vocab. ABMS
- Vocab. AMT
- Vocab. APC
- Vocab. ATC
- Vocab. BDPM
- Vocab. Cancer_Modifier
- Vocab. CAP
- Vocab. CCAM
- Vocab. CDT
- Vocab. CIEL
- Vocab. CIM10
- Vocab. CIViC
- Vocab. ClinVar
- Vocab. CMS_Place_of_Service
- Vocab. Concept_Class
- Vocab. COSMIC
- Vocab. CPT4
- Vocab. CTD
- Vocab. CVX
- Vocab. DA_France
- Vocab. dm&d
- Vocab. Domain
- Vocab. DPD
- Vocab. DRG
- Vocab. EDI
- Vocab. GENDER
- Vocab. HCPCS
- Vocab. HEMONC
- Vocab. ICD10
- Vocab. ICD10CM
- Vocab. ICD10CN
- Vocab. ICD10GM
- Vocab. ICD10PCS
- Vocab. ICD9CM
- Vocab. ICD9Proc
- Vocab. ICDO3
- Vocab. KCD7
- Vocab. KDC
- Vocab. Korean_Revenue_Code
- Vocab. LOINC
- Vocab. LPD_Australia
- Vocab. LPD_Belgium
- Vocab. MEDDRA
- Vocab. MeSH
- Vocab. NAACCR
- Vocab. NCCD
- Vocab. NDC
- Vocab. OMOP Extension
- Vocab. OMOP_Genomic
- Vocab. OMOPInvDr
- Vocab. OncoKB
- Vocab. OPS
- Vocab. PPI
- Vocab. Read
- Vocab. Relationship
- Vocab. RxNorm
- Vocab. SNOMED
- Vocab. SNOMED_Veterinary
- Vocab. SOPT
- Vocab. Specialty
- Vocab. UCUM
- Vocab. VANDF
- Vocab. Vocabulary
- Vocab.OMOP_Extension
- Vocabulary Development Process
- Vocabulary Metadata
- Vocabulary Statistics