Vocab. VANDF - OHDSI/Vocabulary-v5.0 GitHub Wiki
This vocabulary represents all VA Products existing in the VA National Drug File represented by their VUID as concept code. This vocabulary is primarily used by the Veterans Health Administration. It is connected to the VA Class vocabulary that represents Drug Classes.
The source data is collected from UMLS identified by the abbreviated source name (SAB) “VANDF”. The same source structure is used as for the RxNorm vocabulary and mappings to RxNorm are retrieved. All source entries are consumed, regardless of their properties identifying them as drugs or devices.
The procedures for transforming Concepts from the source to the OMOP Standard Vocabularies can be found on the OHDSI GitHub.
All Concepts are assigned the Full Source Name From the “Str” field in UMLS. Where additional entries were present, they were stored as a Synonym.
Concept codes are taken from the "Code" field in UMLS which here equals the VUID in the VA National Formulary.
All Concepts are Non-Standard, many of them with mapping to RxNorm standard concepts. The ones that have no RxNorm RXCUI connection are without mapping.
All concepts are in the drug domain.
The VANDF concepts are all in the drug product concept class.
VANDF concepts with drug properties are mapped to Standard Concepts through records in the CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP table. All such mappings point to RxNorm concepts.
VANDF Concepts are non-Standard Concepts and therefore do not participate in the hierarchy of the CONCEPT_ANCESTOR table.
All VANDF concepts can be identified by their concept code as the VUID in the VA National Formulary. The ones that are regular drugs and are aligned with RxNorm are mapped to the corresponding Standard Concepts using the CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP table ("Maps to" records), depending on their level to Ingredient, Clinical Drug or Quantified Clinical Drug Concepts, generating one-to-one records in the drug exposure table.