ompp ui user interface - openmpp/ GitHub Wiki

Home > OpenM++ User Interface

This topic shows functionality of the OpenM++ UI through annotated screenshots. The UI can also be explored by hovering over elements to display short descriptions.

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Topic contents

Introduction and Background

The Open++ user interface is a lightweight web UI which can be run from any browser. It is

  • scalable: can be run on single end-user desktop and in cluster environment
  • cloud ready: can be deployed in private or public cloud (Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, etc.)
  • portable: works on Windows, Linux and MacOS, 32 and 64 bit versions
  • open source

The OpenM++ UI is an advanced beta which includes significant portions of core functionality but omits others. The underlying software architecture is modern and layered, to make it easy to change or evolve the UI.

Your feedback on the openM++ UI is welcomed. Please feel free to join and participate in discussion of the openM++ UI on GitHub.

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Terminology and Concepts

Some key terms:

Term Meaning
Scenario A set of one or more parameters and the values of those parameters.
Partial scenario A scenario which does not include all parameters.
Complete scenario A scenario consisting of all parameters.
Run specification A completely specified set of parameters. It can be either A) a complete scenario or B) a partial scenario combined with a base run or a complete scenario.
Completed run All input parameters together with output tables resulting from a model execution.

When a model is first built and published, it includes a complete scenario which is normally named Default. It does not necessarily include a run.

A scenario is best thought of as a subset of parameters and their values. Those values are typically modified with respect to some other scenario or run.

A partial scenario cannot be run. It must first be paired with a base run or a complete scenario to supply values for parameters which are absent from the partial scenario. That pairing results in a run specification.

A scenario does not become a run when a run specification uses it or when a run is submitted. Scenarios are independent of runs. For example, the same scenario could be combined with two different base runs to produce two new runs, each with its own run name.

A scenario has a name given when it was created.

A run has a name given when it was specified.

Depending on the names a user chooses, a scenario might have the same name as a run, but it is nevertheless a different kind of object.

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Screenshot: Chart

OpenM++ UI: chart [back to topic contents]

Screenshot: Heat map

OpenM++ UI: heat map [back to topic contents]

Screenshot: Ad hoc measures

OpenM++ UI: ad hoc measures [back to topic contents]

Screenshot: Model runs

OpenM++ UI: model runs [back to topic contents]

Screenshot: Create new scenario or edit existing scenario

OpenM++ UI: Create new scenario or edit existing scenario [back to topic contents]

Screenshot: Create new scenario

OpenM++ UI: Create new scenario [back to topic contents]

Screenshot: Select existing scenario to edit

OpenM++ UI: Select existing scenario to edit [back to topic contents]

Screenshot: Edit parameter

OpenM++ UI: edit parameter [back to topic contents]

Screenshot: Run the model

OpenM++ UI: run the model [back to topic contents]

Screenshot: Compare model runs

OpenM++ UI: compare model runs [back to topic contents]

Screenshot: Compare run parameters

OpenM++ UI: compare run parameters [back to topic contents]

Screenshot: Download model data

OpenM++ UI: download model data [back to topic contents]

Screenshot: Upload scenario

OpenM++ UI: upload scenario [back to topic contents]

Screenshot: Download parameter

OpenM++ UI: download parameter [back to topic contents]

Screenshot: Upload parameter

OpenM++ UI: upload parameter [back to topic contents]

Screenshot: Session state and settings

OpenM++ UI: Session state and settings [back to topic contents]

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