Ompp UI Disk Space Cleanup - openmpp/ GitHub Wiki
Home > Disk space usage and cleanup
This topic shows functionality of the OpenM++ UI through annotated screenshots. The UI can also be explored by hovering over elements to display short descriptions.
It is a common practice to set a limit (quota) on storage space for cloud users. If your models data exceeded storage quota then you no longer able to run the models or upload input scenarios until cleanup is done.
In order to cleanup storage space please do:
- delete the models which you are not planning to use
- delete old files in Downloads and Uploads cloud folders
- delete old model runs
- delete old input scenarios
- reduce size of your model database file(s) as described below
It is important to remove old model runs and scenarios first and only after that click on "Cleanup Database" button. If you have not deleted anything from the model database then cleanup may not be able to reduce the size of your database file.
As first step you should close database file:
After model database is closed you can click on Cleanup database button. Cleanup may take a few minutes or multiple hours, depending on your model and number of runs remaining in the database.
You can examine database cleanup log file for details or errors:
After cleanup is completed you need to click on Open database file button in order to use the model: