Page Index - electricitymaps/electricitymaps-contrib GitHub Wiki
43 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- AE, OM and QA estimation models
- Automatic data refetches
- Building a new parser
- Building a new parser_archive
- Capacity update process
- Carbon Intensity calculations
- CH Estimation Model
- Changes to the frontend
- Construct Breakdown
- Create tokens
- Default emission factors
- Edit world geometries
- Emission factors
- Estimation methods
- EU emission factors
- Find data sources
- Fixing a broken parser
- Format your code contribution
- General Purpose Zone Development
- Getting help
- Getting started
- Historical aggregates
- How to contribute as a non coder
- How to's
- IE and GB NIR Estimation Model
- IN estimation model
- JP estimation model
- Lejonta electric
- Manual capacity updates
- Parser issues
- Real‐Time Estimations
- Reconstruct Breakdown
- Set up local environment
- Technical requirements for parser data
- Time Slicer Average
- Translating
- Troubleshooting
- Update region capacities
- US emission factors
- Verify data sources
- What is a zone
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