Default emission factors - electricitymaps/electricitymaps-contrib GitHub Wiki

These are the default emission factors we use in case we don't have regional emission factors available.

Life-cycle emission factors (default)

Carbon-intensity factors used in the map are detailed in the following configuration file defaults.yaml. These numbers come mostly from the IPCC (2014) Fifth Assessment Report, which aggregates emission factors estimated by a multitude of peer-reviewed studies and is therefore recognised as the de-facto global standard for measuring the global warming potential of different electricity sources. The emission factors used for the map are computed through life-cycle analysis. Emissions resulting from the extraction of resources required to build up installed capacity, emissions from direct operations, and end-of-life related emissions are all accounted for.

Here is an overview of the life-cycle (default) emission factors used:

Mode Emission factor (gCO2eq/kWh) Category Source
battery discharge 301 Renewable (default) World average intensity by Electricity Maps
biomass 230 Renewable IPCC 2014
coal 820 Fossil IPCC 2014
gas 490 Fossil IPCC 2014
geothermal 38 Renewable IPCC 2014
hydro 24 Renewable IPCC 2014
hydro discharge 301 Renewable (default) World average intensity by Electricity Maps
nuclear 12 Low-carbon IPCC 2014
oil 650 Fossil UK Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology
solar 45 Renewable IPCC 2014
unknown 700 Fossil Assumes thermal (coal, gas, oil)
wind 11 Renewable IPCC 2014

Operational emission factors

For some commercial purposes on the API, we also support operational emission factors. These emission factors only account for emissions that directly result from the operation of a given electricity source. For example, the combustion of gas in gas power plants directly releases greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, while the photovoltaic effect that powers solar cells does not.

Here is an overview of the default emission factors used:

Mode Emission factor (gCO2eq/kWh) Category Source
battery discharge TBD Renewable (default) World average intensity by Electricity Maps
biomass 0 Renewable BEIS 2021
coal 760 Fossil IPCC 2014
gas 370 Fossil IPCC 2014
geothermal 0 Renewable IPCC 2014
hydro 0 Renewable IPCC 2014
hydro discharge TBD Renewable (default) World average intensity by Electricity Maps
nuclear 0 Low-carbon IPCC 2014
oil 406 Fossil EIA 2020/BEIS 2021
solar 0 Renewable IPCC 2014
unknown 575 Fossil Assumes thermal (coal, gas, oil)
wind 0 Renewable IPCC 2014