Page Index - Tuong-Nguyen/JavaScript-Structure GitHub Wiki
78 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Update package to latest version
- 2 way Function binding
- Babel Transpiling
- Bootstrap
- Call API with Axios
- Class
- Class Inheritance
- Container Component Testing
- Continue Integration TravisCI & GitHub
- Debug React with WebStorm
- Debug Webpack app with Webstorm
- dotenv
- EditorConfig IDE Coding style
- Environment Setup
- Exercises
- Implement Undo History
- JavaScript ES6
- Karma
- koa bodyparser
- Koa Framework
- koa mount
- koa router
- koa session
- koa static
- koa views
- Linting ESLint
- Material UI Components
- Mock API Server json server
- mongdb migration
- MongoDB Setup with Docker
- nconf
- Node NPM
- NodeJs libraries
- Normalized Data in State
- npm script
- Project Structure
- Props and State in Component React
- React
- React Component
- React Component Life cycle
- React Higher Order Components (HOCs)
- React Material UI
- React Motion
- React Redux
- React Redux DevTools & libraries
- React refs
- React Router
- React Router V4
- React State vs Redux State
- React Stateless Component
- Recompose library
- Redux
- Redux Memoized Selectors
- Redux DevTool
- Redux Recipes
- Redux Reducers
- Refactoring Reducers
- Responsive with Material ui
- Reusing Reducer Logic
- Router in React
- Shape of State
- Sharing Work In Progress
- SocketIO
- Sphera Project
- Steps for creating a React page
- StoryShot Snapshot Tests with StoryBook
- Testing React and Redux
- Testing Store
- Testing Thunks
- Testing with Jest
- UI Development with StoryBook
- Unit Test Axios with axios mock adapter
- Unit Test with Jasmine
- Unit Testing
- WebPack
- Webpack Bundling
- Winston