React State vs Redux State - Tuong-Nguyen/JavaScript-Structure GitHub Wiki
React State and Redux State
React State
- Stored locally within the component
- Share with other component through
- The state can be changed by subcomponent by passing a callback to handle the change into the subcomponents
Redux State
- Stored globally
- Need to subscribe the store to access the state (use container components)
- The data is centralized so it's easy for the components to get state.
React or Redux?
Use cases
- I want the characters present in a text field as the user types -> React
- I want to filter a list of items -> React
- I want to enable or disable the submit button when the item saved -> React
- If a user submits a form updating their profile information -> Redux
- I want to store that request from server locally for rendering and use in many components -> Redux
Should Redux
Breadth of Use
- More components need to access the state, more benefits to using the Redux store
- The state is isolated to a specific component, React state may be a better option
Depth of passing down props
- Many layers between the components (component-subcomponent) -> store the state in Redux and use container component is easier.
Tracking Changes
- Undo/redo
- Replay the events