Testing with Jest - Tuong-Nguyen/JavaScript-Structure GitHub Wiki


Full featured test framework:

  • Test framework
  • Assertion
  • Mock



npm install --save-dev jest babel-jest

Test (Jasmine based)

  • beforeEach - afterEach - beforeAll - afterAll
  • describe: group of test
  • test: define a single test


  • expect


  • Create mock function: const mock = jest.fn()
  • Return pre-determined values: - mock.mockReturnValue(3) - mock.mockReturnValueOnce(3)
  • Set simple implementation: -sum.mockImplementation((a, b) => 3); - sum.mockImplementationOnce((a, b) => 3);
  • Verify how many times function has been called; with what arguments: -expect(mock).toBeCalledWith(1, 2) - mock.mock.calls: array of arguments which this method was called with
  • Track objects instantiated from a mock with the 'new' keyword: mock.mock.instances

Mock module:

Jest can mock a module with command jest.mock('<module name>'). After that, require('<module name>') (or import) will return the mock module.

This is good for mocking dependent modules of module under test.

With import, a single variable is used for the mock module. Each test will add data into mock module. We may need to use mock.mockReset() in beforeEach for resetting the data.

Manual mocks

A mock version for a module could be placed in __mocks__ folder which is placed in the same folder of the real module.
Jest will use that mocked module implementation instead of its default implementation.

Mock method of an object

spy = jest.spyOn(object, '<method>')


  • Track calls to object.method().
  • Mock the object.method with spy.mockImplementation(() => customImplementation)

Run Test

Single run all test:


Test coverage:

Run test and give the code coverage report

jest --coverage

Continuous testing:

Watch the file changes and run tests jest --watch

There are some options of tests to be run:

  • Run all tests.
  • Run tests which are affected by the changes.
  • Run selected tests (Pattern).


webpack import css, images:

  • Description: With webpack, we can import css file and image file. However, jest cannot run with them.
  • Solution: Configure jest to use mock files for css files or image files:
"jest": {
    "moduleNameMapper": {
      "\\.(css|less)$": "<rootDir>/__mocks__/styleMock.js"

Add styleMock.js:

export default {};
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