React Component Life cycle - Tuong-Nguyen/JavaScript-Structure GitHub Wiki


Life cycle init

getDefaultProps and getInitialState

Both methods are only called once when initially rendering the component.

  • getDefaultProps: can be used to define any default props which can be accessed via `this.props
  • getInitialState: enables to set the initial state value, that is accessible inside the component via this.state.


  • Is called before the render method is executed.
  • Setting the state in this phase will not trigger a re-rendering.


Returns the needed component markup


  • The DOM can be accessed in this method
  • Enabling to define DOM manipulations or data fetching operations.
  • Any DOM interactions should always happen in this phase not inside the render method.

State changes

Life cycle state changes


  • Is called before the render method
  • Enables to define if a re-rendering is needed or can be skipped.
  • This method is never called on initial rendering.
  • A boolean value must be returned.
shouldComponentUpdate: function(nextProps, nextState){
    // return a boolean value
    return true;


  • Called if the shouldComponentUpdate returned true
  • Any state changes via this.setState are not allowed
  • Used to prepare for an upcoming update not trigger an update itself.
componentWillUpdate: function(nextProps, nextState){
    // perform any preparations for an upcoming update


  • Called after the render method.
  • Similar to the componentDidMount, this method can be used to perform DOM operations after the data has been updated.
componentDidUpdate: function(prevProps, prevState){