JavaScript ES6 - Tuong-Nguyen/JavaScript-Structure GitHub Wiki
New Scope
let - const vs var Block scope {} vs Function scope & hoisting
(function () {
let block = "block";
- block variable is defined in the if block
- block variable can be used after its declaration.
Default variable
function logSomething(something = 'default message', somethingElse = something + ' with something') {
console.log(something, somethingElse);
// do not pass argument - default values are used.
logSomething('hello', ' and overriding');
Rest variable
Put arguments into an array
function join(...items) {
return items.join(' ');
console.log(join(1 , 2, 3));
Spread operator Break an array into individual elements
function sum(a, b, c) {
return a + b + c;
console.log(sum(...[1, 2, 3]));
Template string
- Multiple lines
- Interpolation ${}
- Tag string: prefix a template string with a function
// multiple line
let multiple = `this is
multiple line string`;
// Interpolate expression into string
let a = 3;
let s = `a = ${a}`;
// Tag string
// stringArrays: array of string separated by interpolations
// values: interpolations values
function str(stringArrays, ...values){
return values[0] + stringArrays[0];
str`a = ${3 + 5}`;
String Object
- Member: startsWith - endsWith - includes - repeat -
- Static: String.fromCodePoint
Number Object
Number.isNan vs. isNan Number.isFinite Number.isNumber Number.isSafeInteger
Array Object
Array.of: create array from elements
Array.from: create an array from an arraylike object
find(callback), findIndex
copyWithin(to, from)
Object literal
let x = 2;
let y = 'test';
let myObj = {
// Define properties
x, y
// define method
someMethod(aParam) {
// computed propety
[x + y]: "some value";
- Object.assign: copy properties from objects to target object
Collection of unique elements
- size
- add: add new elements
- delete(element)
- clear: remove all elements
- has: check if element is in the set
- foreach(callback)
(Key,Value) collection
- set: add new (key,value)
- get
- has
WeakSet - WeakMap
- done: complete or not
- value
- next()
set.entries() set.values()
for of Loop
loop in iterators
for (let val of ['a', 'b', 'c']) {
- default export is flavored.
- static module structure.
- support async/sync loading.
- support cycling dependencies.
// Default export and named exports
import theDefault, {name1, name2} from '/src/mylib';
import theDefault from '/src/mylib';
import {name1, name2} from '/src/mylib';
// Renaming: import name1 to myName1
import {name1 as myName1, name2} from '/src/mylib';
// Importing the module as an object
// (with one property per named export)
import * as mylib from 'src/mylib';
// Only load the module, do not import anything
import 'src/mylib';
export * from 'src/other_module';
export { foo, bar } from 'src/other_module';
export { foo as myFoo, bar } from 'src/other_module';
- Programmatic Loading API:
.then(some_module => {
.catch(error => {
Environment setup:
Install packages
npm install babel-core --save-dev
npm install babel-preset-es2015 --save-dev
npm install mocha chai --save-dev
- Configure .babelrc for ES6
"presets": ["es2015"]
- Set mocha to use babel for ES6 mocha --compilers js:babel-core/register