Page Index - STEMLab/geotools GitHub Wiki
202 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Wiki Tips and Instructions
- Change Control
- 10.x
- 11.x
- 12.x
- 13.x
- 14.x
- 2.0.x
- 2.1.x
- 2.2.x
- 2.3.x
- 2.4.x
- 2.5.x
- 2.6.x
- 2.7.x
- 8.x
- 9.x
- about
- add a dispose method to datastore api
- add ability to remove feature types
- add bundle information to jar manifest
- Add capability to report files composing a store reader
- add delete support on structuredgridcoverage2dreader
- add hints support to query object
- add partial support for geometries with circular segments
- allow build with maven 2 or maven 3
- allow inserts to use existing feature id
- allow redirection to alternate logging api
- alternative use commons logging
- annual report 2007
- annual report 2008
- annual report 2009
- annual report 2010
- annual report 2011
- articles
- birthday coders
- bring back featurecollection
- catalog improvements
- catalogapi
- change from vecmath to ejml
- Change geometry interface for 3d operation
- change handling and stability keeping procedures
- change to simplefeature
- charting with dynamic symbolizers
- clean up featureevents
- clean up generics from datastore
- cleaning up dependencies between various modules and coverage
- cleanup style interface deprecations
- color blending and compositing
- color brewer
- committer contact letter draft
- complexfeature parsing and building support
- connection pool subsystem upgrade
- crs authority allowing multiple users
- crs authority cache handling
- crs authority connection use
- crs authorty alternative proposals
- data access design goals
- dataaccess super class for datastore
- datasource hint for epsg
- datastore capabilities api
- date time handling
- describe function with functionname
- detailed argument and return info for functionname
- development
- document rendering
- dry run at dataaccess story
- dual license request
- dynamic sld graphic objects
- ecql
- efficient support for multiple coverages in gridcoveragereader
- events for styles
- expression improvements
- Extend Contrast Enhancement method handling in SLD and CSS
- extend datastorefactoryspi.param
- extended release schedule
- feature list for geotools 2.0
- feature model discussion
- feature model proposal
- feature paging and query capabilities
- featurecollection clean up motivation
- featurecollection cleanup
- featurecollection descriptor for featuremembers
- featurecollection for java 5
- featurestore modifyfeature by name
- featuretype survey
- featuretypes for gml
- featureversioning interface api
- featurevisitor
- filterfactory cleanup
- fix the docs
- fixing compilation errors
- focus featuresource around featurereader and featurewriter
- function lookup using qualified name
- geomeryfactoryfinder proposal
- geospatial for java tutorial
- GeoTools 12.3 changelog
- geotools contributor status
- geotools legal review
- geotools provenance review
- geotools report 2012
- going forward
- graduate from osgeo
- grid coverage exchange design
- grid coverage update
- gridenvelope subclasses replacing deprecated gridrange subclasses
- handling of unsupported modules
- hide function implementations
- Implement a pure java Dbase indexing to optimize shapefile access
- improve crsauthority concurrency caching and connection use
- improve support of rgb coverages
- index.html
- introduction of getinfo
- iso geometry integration
- jai ext integration in geotools
- java 6
- java 7 try with resource compatibility
- jaxb annotations
- join support
- Linking to SVN
- mapcontext refactor
- maven central
- migrate shapefile to shapefile ng
- module merge
- module renaming
- modules cleanup
- move to another server
- naming policy for geoapi implementation classes
- new ilike statement
- next generation jdbc datastore
- onlinetestcase support for failure on failed connection
- interface scratchpad
- osgeo membership
- partial 3d data support
- proposal to assign our copyright to osgeo
- Proposals
- provide parsers in a consistent fashion
- publish to maven central repository
- query as class
- random data access
- raster symbolizer support
- Refactor ImageMosaic
- refactor opengis
- referencingfactoryfinder incompatible change
- released modules
- remove assumption of org.geotools.filter.filter
- remove datastore getview method
- rendering transformations
- replace contribution agreement
- Replace JAI
- Replace JSR 275 Units Library
- replace vecmath
- replacing the old gce interfaces
- Resolve GeoAPI 3.0.0 Incompatibilities
- resourceid
- retire irc meetings
- review referencing factories and transform builders
- road map to 2.1
- screenshots
- seegrid project scope
- separate general complex feature classes from gt app schema
- shapefile index support
- skip geotools 3
- SourceForge exit strategy
- spearfish.sql
- sphinx documentation process
- split up unsupported modules
- sql encoding for likefilter
- sqlencoder upgrade to geoapi filters
- stroke dasharray as an expression
- structured grid coverage readers
- support for three dimensional envelopes and bounding box filters
- support getgmlobject
- support multi valued attributes in filter comparison operators
- svn cleanup 2008
- switch from jsr 108 to jsr 275 for units
- tasks for 2.2.0 release
- technical debt
- Template
- temporal filters
- Text Symbolizer Multi font support
- tile server client
- timed release
- transition to github
- unrelased modules
- update style interfaces to use geoapi filter
- upgrade master to java 7
- upgrade style to sld 1.1
- upgrade to 2.0
- upgrade to 2.1
- upgrade to 2.2
- upgrade to 2.3
- upgrading styles with geoapi interfaces
- use of filtercapabilities
- vector grids
- views management removal
- wfs gml datastore
- withdrawn
- xml xsd to supported
- xpath namespacesupport
- Z order control during map production