feature model discussion - STEMLab/geotools GitHub Wiki

This discussion has resulted in a resulting in the following work:

This discussion is the subject of development in 2.3.x.

Feature Model Discussion

This page docuemnts the design discussion used to resolve several of the feature model proposals.

For the following Q&A session please consider JG, GR & CH entirly fictional creations of the authors imagination:

For real chats:

Remaining Issues: (see Feature Model Design Discussion for explaination of options considered)

  • Facets, as Filter or Expression or something else?
  • Associations, do we need an explict representation?


Q: We have a question - is Geometry Complex?

A: No.

Geometry started out life as complex, allowing us to xpath into its CRS and Bounds, note it would stil be bound to a Geometry class.
We have decided to go with Simple for now, as a consequence we have moved getID to Attribtue (as Geometry have IDs)

Assoication (and Referencing)

Q: is assoication directly relizable as Complex? Or does it need to be treated special?

A: Yes, association is not special

We know that when we do support referencing we will need a system to lookup IDs, the benifit being that we can have a Proxy that just stores the ID.

On the surface it appears that an AssoicationType would be nice:

interface Assoication extends Complex {
   ID getReferencedID(); // used to report ID of "contained" content.
   Type getReferenceType(); // report Type of contain content
   Choice getSchenma(); // where schema is a choice between Foo and Referece<Foo>
interface Reference<Type> {
  ID getID(); // returns ID of content to be aquired
  Type getReferencedType(); // Type of content referred to 

Or conversly just treat this as a matter of Schema:

interface Assoication<Type> extends Schema.Choice {
    List<Node> options(); // contents are Type and ReferenceType

But this would require us to declare how ID may be resolved, if we did not do this then out data constructs would not be interopterable between systems. It does us no good to represent content and not be able to have it be used:

The obvious way to provide for ID look up witht he XMLSchema concepts of ApplicationSchema and Application:

interface Application extends Complex {
    ApplicationSchema getSchema();
    Object ref( String ID );
interface ApplicationSchema extends Node {
    Type getType(); // may be null if schema does not define a "document"
    List<ApplicationSchema> dependencies(); // navigate dependencies to determine all allowable types
    List<Type> getDefinitions(); // all Types available in schema, will need to search dependencies for those
    List<Type> identified(); // view indicating which Types that may be used with ref( id )    

You can see this just puts us in a situtation where we need to find out the dependencies ... lets a assume client code provides us with a SchemaFactory configured in some manner.

class SchemaFactory {
    ApplicationSchema create( GenericName name );

So long term Assoication looks like a Complex choice between a Thing and Reference to a Thing.

We are thinking of the short term solution of representing an Assoication as a Complex choice of a single Thing.
This is fully representable in the proposed modeling system and would not require further changes.

class Association<Type> extends Complex {
   Choice getSchema(){
       return SchemaFactory.choice( Collections.singleton( SchemaFactory.node( Type ) ) ); 

This represents something that can be accomplished in the short term, and is forward compatable with longer term solutions such as ApplicationSchema above. Note this does speak to the need to explicitly treat Type and IdentifiableType separatly, right now we are getting by with Type.isIdentified().


Q: Does complex need to support ID?

A: Yes

Gabriel has discovered some recommended practices for GML, and knowledge of XML parses indicate, that ID is a concept valuable for more then just Features. Specifically in GML Geometry is known to have a gml:id, and it is used to allow two features to share a single Geometry.

Q: Should it actually move to Attribute?

A: Yes ⚠️ - Moved to Attribute in order to allow GeometryAttribute to be represented as non Complex.


Q: Multiple?

A: No.

Q: FeatureType ComplexType or Type?

A: Type - used to represent Atomic Types

Atomic Types

Gabriel would like to capture the XMLSchema atomic types, so that allowable restrictions such as length can be reused. What is the best way to acomplish this?

Q: Explicitly model XMLSchema atomic types as an Enum of Stratagy objects and and allow SimpleSchema to delegate to them?\

A: This can be considered as Gabriel starts to represent GML.

Q: Move FeatureType.getSuper() to Type.getSuper()\

A: ➕ We have now done this

Understanding Schema - Override vs Extention / Restriction

Q: Do we have to support the XMLSchema concept of Extention and Restriction?\

A: No, we can provide a way to use plain old "Override" with a set of guidelines

In general we have a problem with our split of Type and Schema and restrictions, are restrictions part of the Schema or part of the Type? The only thing they can do is cause validation errors - so they should be Schema. However our type system (not our Schema system) is setup for inheirtence and customization.

Judging from XMLSchema the Type should define allowable/understandable restructions and the Schema should define them. Example: xs:string understands maxlength, and my:name extends xs:string with a facet of maxlength=10.

Try it: We have an implementation of extention and override in svn.

We planning to understand the relationship between getSchema() and getSuper().getSchema() in terms of override.

So here is a definition of override:

  1. Will combine schema of child with schema of parent
  2. Super Type schema will be used as a starting point
  3. Sub Type schema will be mixed in - at level 0 of the schema (that may be a choice, sequence or set)
    1. For every Schema in the child sequence it will have a chance to "override" an entry in the parent.

How to model XML extention using "override":

  1. Use a single Schema.Sequence it will be tacked on the end.

How to model XML restriction:

  1. Override each and every Schema from the parent.
  2. if you need to remove, override with multiplicity 0:0

Gabriel needs to ensure that this concept of Override does completly cover his needs for restriction and extention support.


Q: Facets or Filters

A: Filter - one silly expression language is enough

Facets are an interesting problem, GeoTools has taken to defining facets using the Filter specification. A great move at the object level (Filter is defined as a boolean function: boolean accepts( Feature ) ). The problems are opperating on Feature and not on Objects, and being a test of set membership that we can only loosly translate into testing against the set of "valid" and "invalid" content.

It would be desirable to:

  • allow the testing of individual values prior to their being assembled into a completed Feature
  • generalize Filter to accept other kinds of XPathable content

Other toolkits have taken to including the bare minimum needed to get shapefile working (maxLength and so on). It would be great if we can figure out a way to make use an Expression syntax to solve a general need:

Here is the bare minimum:

interface Filter {
    boolean evaulate( Object content );
interface Expression {
    Object evaulate( Object content );

Gabriel has an excellent breakdown of the GeoTools mappings here: FeatureType Survey#Restrictionsupport

Schema - or how the heck does Choice work?

Q: How do we represent Schema?

A: Separation of concerns between Data, Type and Ordering

So far it appears clear that three peices of information are needed (Content, Reference, and Type) to capture validation (or construction) at the level of GML. It is also fairly clear that this need goes beyond that requested by most data sources.

Subject Java GeoTools 2.1 Proposal
Content Object Object, Feature, FeatureCollection Object, Complex, Feature, FeatureCollection
Schema Field AttributeType Schema
Type Class FeatureType Type, ComplexType, FeatureType, FeatureCollectionType

You can see that the intended separation is maintained by both GeoTools and this Proposal. It should be noted that XPath works off the Type system, validation works of the Reference system.

At first draft we had the following from:

Subject Jody Gabriel Revision
Content Object, Complex, Feature,FeatureCollection Attribtue, Feature Object, Feature, FeatureCollection
Schema Schema, ... Schema, ... AttributeType, FeatureAttributeType
Type Type, ComplexType, FeatureType, FeatureCollectionType AttributeType, FeatureType FeatureType

The two drafts mostly differ in:

  • the direction of associations (strangely enough aligned with the authors primary concerns of Validation/Schema and XPath/Containment)
  • treatment of Atomic and Collection Types

These how now been merged.

First Draft


Attribtue referes to Schema Schema refers to FeatureType NodeSchema refers to AttributeType Schema stands between AttributeType and FeatureType

This is a different take on the same problem.

Q: Assoication from Attribute to Node Schema?

JG: Should point to Schema (so we can have complex Attribtues)

Q: Association from Attribute to Schema and Feature to ComplexSchema\

JG:: This is reversed from the proposal

Q: NodeSchema extends Schema?

JG: Does getRestriction(): List<Filter> present a problem?
JG: Does getFeatureType(): FeatureType present a problem?

Q: Where are the names name?

GR: AttributeType.getName(): GenericName JG: That works for attributes, where is name for Complex content? GR: FeatureType.getNamespace(): URI and FeatureType.getTypeName() JG: Oh right then ... that makes schema strongly typed with objects, and all the soft squish stuff is separated out, nice.

Q: But what about AtomicTypes?

GR: They are their see right under SimpleAttributeType? JG: But how are you going to reuse xs:string? Do you need SimpleAttributeType.getSuper() AtomicAttributeType? JG: You can even move it up a level and have AttribtueType.getSuper(): AttributeType, so everyone has the same modeling power that you have available when you defined the AtomicAttribtueTypes from XMLSchema. XMLSchema is all very well and standard, but there are other standards (like GML) that would like to have the same power of reuse (for things like gml:srs ).

Q: Where is the Super? FeatureType

JG: I don't see it ... were you thinking of having it on FeatureType? Or could it be done on Schema?

Q: Where is ComplexType (or Complex for that matter)?

GR: It is not needed ...
JG: I don't get it.

Revision of GeoTools 2.1 API

⚠️ This approach was rejected, as was the revison of GeoAPI in favour of a shared model. It is only included for comparison.

Revision of GeoTools would require the following minumum changes:

➕ added ➖ removed ⚠️ changed ℹ️ explained

Change Subject Feature simple feature
              | String            | getID()                         | Feature ID unique across instances
              | Envelope          | getBounds()                     | may be null
              | FeatureType       | getFeatureType()                |
              | FeatureCollection | getParent()                     | OSG Reference Model has this relationship reversed
              | int               | getNumberOfAttributes()         | 
              | Object[]          | getAttributes( Object array[] ) | Copy as many attribute values as fit into array (and return it)

➕ | Object[] | getAttributes() | Array of values of length getNumberOfAttribtues() ➕ | AttributeType[] | getAttributeTypes() | Array of attributeTypes of length getNumberOfAttribtues() | Object | getAttribute( int index ) | | AttributeType | getAttributeType( int index ) | ➕ | Object | getAttribute( AttribtueType ) | ⚠️ | Object | getAttribute( String name ) | Geotools 2.1 said xpath, but implemented name **

Change Subject BoundedFeature bounds are manditor
ℹ️ Envelope getBounds() required to be non null
ℹ️ FeatureType getFeatureType() required to have FeatureType.BOUNDED as a super type
Change Subject FlatFeature DefaultFeatureType - attribute multiplicity not supported
ℹ️ int getNumberOfAttributes() return getFeatureType().getAttributeCount()
ℹ️ AttributeType[] getAttributeTypes(); return getFeatureType().getAttributes()
ℹ️ Object[] getAttributes() Values in order described by getAttributeTypes()
ℹ️ Object getAttribute( AttribtueType ) We can be sure of one value or null
ℹ️ Object getAttribute( String name ) We can be sure of one value or null
Change Subject ComplexFeature FeatureImpl - Supports multiplicty and complex attributes
ℹ️ int getNumberOfAttributes() number of attribtues for this feature
ℹ️ AttributeType[] getAttributeTypes() matches actual content, in order provided
ℹ️ Object[] getAttributes() values in order described by getAttributeTypes()
ℹ️ Object getAttribute( AttributeType ) single instance or List based on multiplicity
ℹ️ Object getAttribute( String name ) single instance or List based on multiplicity
Change Subject FeatureCollection Has child features. FeatureCollectionImpl extends Collection, BoundedFeature
ℹ️ FeatureType getFeatureType() required to have FeatureType.COLLECTION (and BOUNDED) as a super type
ℹ️ Envelope getBounds() non null (because we are a BoundedFeature)
                 | FeatureIterator   | features()                      | Sames as Iterator\<Feature\> if we had Java 5

⚠️ | void | addListener( CollectionListener ) | not hooked up for most implementations ⚠️ | void | removeListener( CollectionListener ) | not hooked up for most implementations ℹ️ | int | size() | Note this is at worst O(N) as per Collection.size() spec | | Collection.* | Implement as per Collection specification

Change Subject FeatureList has ordered features. Proposed - Support random access for Shapefile and Postgis, Think Filter 1.1 "SortBy"
ℹ️ int size() To be useful this will be O(1)
                 | Feature           | get( int index )                | aquire Feature based index in internal order, RandomAccess!
                 | RandomAccess      | features()                      | A FeatureIterator that is also a ListIterator
                 |                   | List.\*                         | Implement as per List specification
  • OGC Reference Model - Page 11 "Parent Features contain References to their children."\

    • Note on xpath - I am still hopeful we can make xpath external to the data model (it is a query model after all).

Note on multiplicity & getAttribute w/ name or attributeType:

  • a single instance when attribute type minOccus=1 and maxOccurs=1
  • nill or single instance when attributeType minOccurs=0 and maxOccurs=1
  • List when minOccurs=0 and maxOccurs=unbounded
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