modules cleanup - STEMLab/geotools GitHub Wiki
This page has been created to reorganize the Geotools modules, in particular to establish:
- which modules have been abandoned, and should be removed from the codebase
- which unmantained modules can get a new mantainer, which ones should be moved to unsupported land
Modules list
This list reports module maintainers that I know are still active and part of the project. If a module reports of being maintained by James McGill, Martin Desruisseaux, Cory Horner, David Zwiers or Brent Owens I just marked the module as unmaintained (whoever will take up that module will fix the pom, if the module is to be dropped, no need to clean its pom up to start with).
For each module the current/proposed maintainer is listed along with any notes and suggested action.
build/dummy/jaxb - none
- aa: remove?
- sg: remove
build/maven/archetype - none
- aa: remove?
- mb: broken for a while I think and most new users seem to find it just as easy to hack the geotools essentials into the quickstart archetype
- sg: remove
build/maven/archetype/src/main/resources/archetype-resources - none
- aa: remove?
- sg: remove
build/maven/archetype/target/classes/archetype-resources - none
- aa: remove
- sg: remove
- jg: done
build/maven/build-configs - none
- Contains Jalopy license, which does not seem to work.
- aa: remove
- sg: remove
build/maven/jar-collector - none
- aa: can it be replaced with the standard "dependency" module?
- sg: I am not sure they do exactly the same work. This one should be a bit smarter. To check
build/maven/javadoc - none
- Contains custom taglet to show the source of a file and a tool to add such a taglet to existing files.
- aa: remove and replace with a custom doclet instead? Find less maintenance heavy ways to locate a file inside the GeoTools sources?
build/maven/javamaker - none
- Used for integration with OpenOffice
- aa: remove
- sg: remove
build/maven/jjtree-javacc - none
- aa: check if this can be replaced with the Mojo plugin:, if so, remove
- sg: +1
build/maven/rmic - none
- RMI compiler plugin.
- aa: remove if possible. If used, see if it can be replaced with
- sg: +1
build/maven/unopkg/pom.xml - none
- OpenOffice referencing integration
- aa: remove
- sg: remove
build/maven/xmlcodegen - jdeolive
build/scm/cleanup - none
- Has been used once to switch all the headers to OSGEO
- aa: remove?
- sg: remove
demo/introduction - none
- Old Adrian GT2 demo.
- aa: see if there is anything worth salvaging and then remove?
- jd: I say remove, everytime we release this has to be commented out because it depends on unsupported code
- mb: yep - agree with jd
- sg: remove
demo/libraryJTS - none
- Old Adrian JTS demo
- aa: jgarnett said he would merge this into demo/example
demo/mappane-use - none
- There is a plan to revive this by Jody and M. Bedward
- mb: in branches/2.6.x_JMapPane_move/demo mappane-use has morphed into mapwidget
demo/svgsupport - none
- Single small class... maybe merge with the example module?
- sg: +1
demo/example - jgarnett
demo/xml-po - jdeolive
- Not in the build right now. Time to move it back or... to remove it?
- jd: not sure why it is not in the build, no reason for it not to be.
modules/extension/brewer - iant
modules/extension/graph - jdeolive,jgarnett
modules/extension/openoffice - none
- Referencing integration with OpenOffice Calc
- aa: remove
- sg: remove
modules/extension/shapefile-renderer - aaime
- jg: aaime you were going to remove this after taking the optimizations into renderer
- sg: remove
modules/extension/validation - jgarnett
- udig uses this; but geoserver does not
modules/extension/widgets-swing - jgarnett
- will take this to unsupported and merge with the other one
modules/extension/xsd - jdeolive
modules/extension/xsd/xsd-core - jdeolive
modules/extension/xsd/xsd-filter - jdeolive
modules/extension/xsd/xsd-gml2 - jdeolive
modules/extension/xsd/xsd-gml3 - jdeolive
modules/extension/xsd/xsd-kml - jdeolive
modules/extension/xsd/xsd-ows - jdeolive
modules/extension/xsd/xsd-sld - jdeolive
modules/extension/xsd/xsd-wfs - jdeolive
modules/extension/xsd/xsd-wps - jdeolive
modules/library/api- jgarnett
- sg: am I the only one who thinks that this should kill geoapi?
modules/library/coverage - none
- sg: I can take it, maybe mb wants to help out
- mb: yes - happy to help if I can
modules/library/cql - mpazos
modules/library/data - jdeolive,jgarnett
modules/library/jdbc - none
- aa: I can take if for the time being
- jg: hope to see this replaced/refreshed when jdbc-ng is ready
modules/library/legacy - jgarnett
modules/library/main - jgarnett
- aa: I can co-maintain this one
- sg: I can help, but I guess we need jody as well
modules/library/metadata - none
- jg: I can take this, it needs a visitor anyways
modules/library/referencing - none
- aa: I can co-maintaint this one for the time being
- sg: I can help
modules/library/render - aaime
modules/library/sample-data - none
- jg: is this still a useful idea?
- sg: I tend to use it when I can, but daniele, as an instance, hates it, especially the use of zip files forces you to download a ton of stuff everytime
- mcr: I use it too
modules/library/xml - jgarnett
- jg: this module is getting tired
modules/plugin/arcgrid - simboss
- sg: remove (no, really, just kidding (smile))
modules/plugin/arcsde/datastore - groldan
modules/plugin/arcsde/sde-dummy - groldan
modules/plugin/db2 - dadler
- aa: David has been away for quite some time, Christian took over with jdbc-ng. Maybe move to unsupported?
- mcr: move to unsupported, no further development or bug fixes, replaced by db2-ng. Should be removed after some time
modules/plugin/epsg-access - none
- aa: just remove? It's platform dependent anyways sg: remove
modules/plugin/epsg-extension - none
- aa: I can take this over
modules/plugin/epsg-hsql - none
- aa: I can take this over (and work on a H2 implementation to replace it)
modules/plugin/epsg-postgresql - none
- aa: I can take this over
modules/plugin/epsg-wkt - none
- aa: not sure anyone is still using this... remove, move to unsupported?
- sg: I'd try to remove it and fix the mess afterwards
- mb: what about this uDig note from Jody
modules/plugin/geotiff - simboss
modules/plugin/gtopo30 - simboss
modules/plugin/imageio-ext-gdal - simboss/daniele
- sg: assign to daniele
modules/plugin/imagemosaic-jdbc - mcrmcr
modules/plugin/imagemosaic - simboss
modules/plugin/image - simboss
modules/plugin/imagepyramid - simboss
modules/plugin/postgis- jdeolive/aaime
- aa: Justin has not been active on this for quite some time. I can take this over eventually
- jd: it is all yours
modules/plugin/property- jgarnett
modules/plugin/referencing3D - none
- sg: I can try to help out here
- aaime
modules/plugin/wfs - none
- gr: I am willing to step up as maintainer for this one. The module also needs to be moved to unsupported though, as that's how it is for the 1.0.0 datastore and I would like to have it in unsupported land until ported to the new internal design in 1.1.0 modules/plugin/wms - none
- jg: I can take this one. will move to extension/ or library/
modules/unsupported/app-schema/app-schema - bencaradocdavies
modules/unsupported/app-schema/jdbc-regfunc - bencaradocdavies
modules/unsupported/app-schema/sample-data-access - bencaradocdavies
modules/unsupported/caching - none
- aa: I believe someone from RR worked on this. Interested in taking it over, or should we remove it?
- eg: ok with basic maintenance, bug fixing, no new features
modules/unsupported/charts - aaime
modules/unsupported/coverageio-hdf - none
- sg: I can try to help out here
modules/unsupported/coverageio-netcdf - none
- sg: I can try to help out here
modules/unsupported/coverageio - none
- aa: anyone wants to salvage the coverageio module family? sg: I can try to help out here
modules/unsupported/coveragetools - simboss
modules/unsupported/directory - aaime
modules/unsupported/edigeo/pom.xml - mcoudert
- aa: hmmm... haven't seen activity on this for quite some time
modules/unsupported/epsg-oracle- jgarnett
- aa: remove?
modules/unsupported/example - jgarnet
- aa: this is empty? remove?
modules/unsupported/geomedia - none
- aa: remove?
modules/unsupported/geometryless - roba
- aa: haven't seen activity in ages. Remove?
modules/unsupported/geometry - none
- aa: gdavis is mentioned as a developer. Any interestest? If none, remove?
modules/unsupported/gml3 - jdeolive
modules/unsupported/gml - none
- aa: just remove? Hasn't seen any development in years, we know it does not work
modules/unsupported/gpx - pbolla
- aa: safe to assume nobody working on this... remove?
modules/unsupported/gpx2 - none
- aa: not even a pom.xml... remove?
modules/unsupported/hsql - aalam
- aa: no development in years, seem the jdbc-ng h2 could be a very good replacement. Remove?
modules/unsupported/jdbc-ng/jdbc-core - jdeolive
modules/unsupported/jdbc-ng/jdbc-db2 - mcrmcr
modules/unsupported/jdbc-ng/jdbc-h2 - jdeolive
modules/unsupported/jdbc-ng/jdbc-mysql - jdeolive
modules/unsupported/jdbc-ng/jdbc-oracle - aaime
modules/unsupported/jdbc-ng/jdbc-postgis - aaime
modules/unsupported/jdbc-ng/jdbc-spatialite- jdeolive
modules/unsupported/jts-wrapper - bnordgren
- aa: haven't seen much development here... remove, someone interested in taking over?
- jg: I can take it, I know the code, but I would consider dropping for explicit jts depending on how geoapi works out
modules/unsupported/mappane - none
- aa: M. Bedward is working on this in a branch, will move to demo?
- jg: it will eventually move to extension; possibly with whatever I like for swing-widgets
- mb: current hacking is happening in the 2.6.x_JMapPane_move branch
- modules/unsupported/mif - none
- aa: just kill this?
- jg: I have heard of it being useful; but yeah cut scope
- sg: remove
modules/unsupported/mysql - aaime
- aa: I'd say, just kill this and use mysql-ng instead... but we need to make sure the replacement is good enough
- sg: remove anyway
modules/unsupported/notifying-collections - scolebourne
- aa: dead since a long time. Remove?
- jg: remove
- sg: remove
modules/unsupported/ogc/net.opengis.ows - none
- aa: actually, I think the maintainer is jdeolive. Move to extension?
- jd: yup, i am the maintainer, and yes, we should move it to extension
- jg: we have waited on this to pass QA checks; and we do not have a clear location for "models" such as this; they are required by some of the plugins and thus are not an extension
modules/unsupported/ogc/net.opengis.wcs - none
- aa: actually, I think the maintainer is jdeolive. Move to extension?
- sg: alessio?
modules/unsupported/ogc/net.opengis.wfs - none
- aa: actually, I think the maintainer is jdeolive. Move to extension?
- modules/unsupported/ogc/net.opengis.wfsv - none
- aa: actually, I think the maintainer is jdeolive/aaime. Move to extension?
modules/unsupported/ogc/net.opengis.wps - none
- aa: actually, I think the maintainer is jdeolive. Move to extension?
modules/unsupported/ogc/org.w3.xlink - none
- aa: actually, I think the maintainer is jdeolive. Move to extension?
modules/unsupported/ogr - none
- aa: there is interest from D. Sahu. Otherwise I can pick this back up and work it only on Linux
modules/unsupported/oracle-spatial - aaime
- aa: hmmm... just remove this from trunk? oracle jdbc-ng should be better than this already
- jg: still used by udig on trunk - let me get aggregation functions before we remove
modules/unsupported/postgis-versioned - aaime
modules/unsupported/process - gdavis
modules/unsupported/repository - jgarnett
- jg: I would like to kill this as a distraction to the user community
modules/unsupported/sql-datastore - roba,groldan
- aa: not used anywhere... does this have a future?
- jg: think this is a workaround while they hack
modules/unsupported/temporal - none
- sg: daniele
- dr: ok. Assign it to me
modules/unsupported/tiger - none
- aa: haven't seen any dev in years. Remove? A revived OGR would provide the same functionality, thought it would do so by using a native library
modules/unsupported/tile - jgarnett
- aa: has this a future?
- jg: the code was picked up and made good in uDig 1.2 - leave it for the SOC student to harvest from and then we can kill it. I may consider backporting into the wms modules along with wms-c support
modules/unsupported/vpf - none
- aa: no development in years too. Remove?
- sg: remove
modules/unsupported/widgets-swing-pending - jgarnett
- will combine with widgets-swing as an unsupported module
modules/unsupported/wps - gdavis
- aa: no work around a year here too?
modules/unsupported/xml-gpx - pbolla
- aa: is this still alive?