connection pool subsystem upgrade - STEMLab/geotools GitHub Wiki
Motivation: Have flexible, production ready connection pooling for JDBC data stores
Contact: Andrea Aime
Tracker: GEOT-1373
Current Geotools JDBC data stores use a home grown ConnectionPool class which is showing its
limitations quite evidently in production environment.
There is plenty of open source and commercial connection pool implementations available, and we
should be able to leverage them instead.
The cornerstone of the change is to make JDBC DataStore use DataSource, a standard java interface for Connection providers. Then again, we also want to be able and leverage special connection pools provided by web containers (JNDI), or optimized for a specific database (OC4J for Oracle, for example).
To allow such flexibility, DataSource should be provided by a pluggable system. A DataSourceFactorySPI, by all means a close clone of DataStoreFactorySPI, will gather the connection pool parameters (they may be many) and build a DataSource. New data store factories for JDBC data stores will then accept DataSource as parameter, whilst the old ones will fall back on using a default implementation, with default parameters (DBCP).
Finally, some datastores will need to unwrap the pooled connections, so a separate SPI will be needed to support this unwrapping process (which, before java 6, is connection pool implementation dependent).
More information and discussion can be found on the associated research page.
Overall Design
The proposed change revolves under a main modification in the JDBC data stores and factories, and two new SPI:
- make it so the JDBC data stores use DataSource instead of the old ConnectionPool class (Eclipse reports 126 references to the ConnectionPool class), and deprecate the old ConnectionPool class (note, this will break users that are calling the JDBC data stores constructors directly)
- modify the old factory classes so that they use a default DBCP based connection pool instead of ConnectionPool
- create new JDBC datastore factory classes accepting a DataSource parameter
- create a new SPI, DataSourceFactorySPI, to make DataSource creation pluggable
- create a second new SPI, Unwrapper, to unwrap pooled connections and return native ones
To better test and develop this approach a new branch has been created,, where all the above steps are being attempted and new insights can be gained.
DataSource generators will be pluggable. Since each DataSource can take lots of parameters to be created, we propose the same design as DataStoreFactorySpi, that is, an SPI with parameters that can be introspected, and a finder to lookup them up given a map of parameters.
Instead of pasting the interfaces here, I'll refer the current prototype implementation in svn.
Here are the main SPI interface and the associated finder:
And here are the default DBCP and JNDI implementation, as well as their base abstract class:
The unit test show example usage of both:
As stated, some DataStore
implementations (Oracle) need to access the native connection, and some
others (PostGis) need native Statement instead, whilst the pooling data sources always return
UnWrapper is an interface designed to perform the extraction of native connections and statements.
A separate interface from DataSourceFactory is needed, because some DataSource factories are opaque,
in that they do not know what kind of DataSource
they are returning (JNDI is the typical case).
The interface will thus have many implementations to target different DataSource providers. Since
there is a strict connection with DataSource, UnWrapper
lookup will be performed again with the
Here are the interface and the finder:
Here is a sample DBCP implementation:
And here is a sample usage in a unit test:
This propsal is ready for discussion and vote.
- Andrea Aime +1
- Ian Turton +1
- Justin Deoliveira
- Jody Garnett +1
- Martin Desruisseaux +1
- Simone Giannecchini +1
On the 2.4-ds branch the basic interfaces and implementations are shelled out, and Postgis, Postgis versioned, H2 and Oracle datastores have been migrated to use DataSource (all their tests are still passing)
| :white_check_mark: | :no_entry: | :warning: | :negative_squared_cross_mark: |
------------|--------------------|------------|-------------------------|-------------------------------| no progress | done | impeded | lack mandate/funds/time | volunteer needed |
A target release is also provided for each milestone.
Milestone 1: 2.4-M4:
- :white_check_mark: Andrea Aime Prototype out DataSourceFactorySPI
- :white_check_mark: Andrea Aime Prototype out Unwrapper
- :white_check_mark: Andrea Aime Switch all mainstream JDBC data stores to DataSource and the old factories to DBCP (Postgis, Oracle, MySql)
- :white_check_mark: Andrea Aime Switch DB2 to DataSource and the old factories to DBCP
- Switch GeoMedia to DataSource and the old factories to DBCP (this may just lead GeoMedia datastore out of the build, it's unmantained afaik)
- :white_check_mark: Andrea Aime Create new "advanced" factories that use the DataSource parameter
- Jody Garnett update use documentation
- Jody Garnett Outline JDBC Guide
- Andrea Aime Provide unwrapper implementation documentation for JDBC Guide
- Gabriel Roldán Example JNDI DataSource setup for Tomcat, JBoss, etc...
API Changes
Old public API users won't notice any change, since the old JDBC factories will be kept in place. If you created a JDBC datastore by setting up a map of parameters, and then used either DataStoreFinder or the JDBC datastore factory directly, you should not have any trouble.
Old users that did access the JDBC factories directly will unfortunately be broken, since the
parameter will be replaced by a DataSource
one. Here is a comparisong between old
and new code:
Old code
PostgisConnectionFactory factory1 = new PostgisConnectionFactory(host, port, database);
ConnectionPool pool = factory1.getConnectionPool(user, password);
JDBCDataStoreConfig config = JDBCDataStoreConfig.createWithNameSpaceAndSchemaName( namespace, schema );
data = new PostgisDataStore(pool, config, PostgisDataStore.OPTIMIZE_SAFE);
New code
DataSource ds = DataSourceUtil.buildDefaultDataSource("jdbc:postgresql://" + host + ":" + port + "/" + database, "org.postgresql.Driver", user, password, null, false);
JDBCDataStoreConfig config = JDBCDataStoreConfig.createWithNameSpaceAndSchemaName( namespace, schema );
data = new PostgisDataStore(ds, config, PostgisDataStore.OPTIMIZE_SAFE);
New users will be able to setup a custom data source with the following code:
Map map = new HashMap();
map.put(DBCPDataSourceFactory.DRIVERCLASS.key, "org.h2.Driver");
map.put(DBCPDataSourceFactory.JDBC_URL.key, "jdbc:h2:mem:test_mem");
map.put(DBCPDataSourceFactory.USERNAME.key, "admin");
map.put(DBCPDataSourceFactory.PASSWORD.key, "");
map.put(DBCPDataSourceFactory.MAXACTIVE.key, new Integer(10));
map.put(DBCPDataSourceFactory.MAXIDLE.key, new Integer(0));
DataSource source = DataSourceFinder.getDataSource(map);
map = new HashMap();
map.put("dataSource", source);
map.put("dbType", "postgis");
DataStore store = DataStoreFinder.getDataStore(map);
Documentation Changes
- Update Upgrade to 2.4 instructions
User Guide:
- User Guide JDBCDataStore
- Update examples to reflect changes to JDBC data stores
- JDBC Guide - we need to create a section showing how to implement an unwrapper (for those working on a new application container we have not met yet)
- JDBC Guide - we need a section showing how to configure DataSource stuff for Tomcat, JBoss, etc...
Issue Tracker:
- check related issues to see of problems are affected